Chapter 16

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3rd's pov

Plan 1 was a failure. Jessica knew exactly that it was Taehyung's work. She heard noises from the end of the lockers and went towards it, she folded her arms and two innocent faces was looking back at her like they didn't do anything. It was obvious that Taehyung and Aira were watching her, just to see if she accepts the flower or not.

"Here, I can't accept this. Give me time." Jessica tossed the bouquet flower with the letter to him, Taehyung only watched the things that was thrown on the floor, his heart aches.

Jessica shivelled around to walked away but only to be pulled back by Taehyung who grabbed her wrist.

Aira was there watching the whole scene, she couldn't help but to notice just how desperate Taehyung was. What you would do for the person you love.

"Let me go!" Jessica yelled and yanked her wrist from Taehyung's grasp, walking away.

Taehyung was left speechless. Before Aira could reach out for him, he ran down the hallway, out of school.

"Taehyung!" Aira shouted but he didn't hear her and continued running to the exit door. Just as Aira was about to chase Taehyung, the bell rung indicating that recess was over. She sighed and decided to just leave him alone for a while.


Aira's pov

During the last period, I couldn't focus and my mind keep going back to Taehyung. I was worried that V might do something. I kept on looking at the clock while tapping my foot impatiently. My eyes stopped at Jessica who was looking not bothered about what just happened.

How could she? How can she look okay even after she rejected Taehyung's apology?

When school was over, I quickly packed up my things and slung my backpack on my back as I run to Jessica who was about to leave the classroom.

"Jessica, wait!" I called.

She turned around with an annoyed look on her face, "What do you want, relationship breaker?"

The class was already empty, just the two of us left. I was taken aback, I gripped the straps of my bag tightly, preventing myself from wanting to strangle her, "Can you please stop jumping to conclusion? You don't even know what happened."

"You're telling me I don't know what happened?," She laughed mirthlessly, "I SAW, okay, I saw with my own eyes! He was kissing you!"

"You call that 'I know what happened'?," I said with a quotation mark, "You're wrong. He wasn't kissing me. Look, you don't even know what happened before that!"

"Then, what the hell was he doing if he was not kissing you?!" She yelled.

"He was doing CPR on me! Not kissing! I drowned and he saved me."

"You're his enemy, why would he saved you? You should have died."

That hurt. That really hurt.

"What do you think Taehyung is? A killer? He can't save his enemy?" I stared at her in disbelief.

"You know what, I'm not here to fight!" I took a deep breath, gritting my teeth to prevent me from shedding a tear before continuing, "I just want you to meet up with Taehyung and let him explain! Do you really love him Jessica? I don't even know why he love you so much," I chuckled bitterly, "He's too good for you. Please, just stop hurting him. Forgive him and give him a second chance. Think about it again Jess.."

After saying that, I brushed past her down the hallway to the door leading out of school. "Oh why am I doing this..." I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek.


I'm sorry again for late update guys! But I hope you guys won't stop reading this story. So far, do you guys like it? Sorry if it's not so interesting but hope you all enjoy! ❤

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