|Twenty-One|No Hero (Pt. Two)

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"Quote" of the Chapter~>
I know it's not a quote, I just think it's worth showing because I completely agree with it.

Music of the Chapter: "Just like Fire"- P!nk

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~Chesney's Pov~

'Honk, Honk'

"Get out of the road you fucking bum!"

Ah, the city, so beautiful with such colorful individuals. I don't know what's wrong with people these days! I'm dealing with a psychopath that wants to murder my somewhat archenemy and I'm getting cursed out for simply walking across the road! I used the crosswalk for Pete's sake!

"What I'm doing is completely legal sir," I shouted back and he rolled down his window, jutting his hand out to flip me the bird with his finger held out high and straight. Wow, such etiquette, the Queen would be impressed.

I cringed slightly and kept walking across the busy street, my bare foot rubbing against the pavement where the sock had been worn through. Maybe I should've went back for the shoe.

Once I was safely off the crowded city intersection and away from the belligerent, temperamental drivers, I looked around trying to get my bearings together. I glanced at the different building and soon realized that they all looked the same. Tall and spiky.

Finally, after a good ten minutes of building observing, I thought of the most brilliant idea I had all day. I licked my finger and put it high in the air, I've seen survivalists do this all the time on television.

So, judging by the wind patterns, I have concluded that the best way to go is south of where I'm standing! Yeah, that sounds about right! Look at me, the survivalist! I should totally go on one of those game shows!

"Hey kid! You just gon' sit there with ya finger in the air like that or are ya gonna get in?"

I jumped slightly as a gravely voice interrupted my train of thought and I turned to my right to see a bright, yellow cab parked at the curb with a grumpy looking man inside.

I blinked at him and glanced to both of my sides before pointing at myself, causing him to roll his eyes and smirk.

"No, I was talking to the other kid with his damn pinky higher than the fucking Queen of England's! Yes you, you idiot! Are you getting in or not, I ain't got all day," the cab driver said and I put my hands up in defense before climbing inside the musty smelling cab. The springy, leather seats smelt of gym socks and sweat whilst the stale air held the slightest hint of a freshly eaten chili dog. With extra onions. Oh how delightful.

"Where to, kid?"

"L'élégant hotel please," I said and he rose a brow at me before shrugging, driving the cab away from the curb, heading north. Huh, I guess it's a good thing I didn't start walking.

As we merged into the congested traffic, it grew quiet between us in the dank, not to mention rank, cab. The leather stuck to my skin and the trash made me a bit squeamish. I glanced to the front to see that it wasn't much better, it still had numerous McDonald's bags littered about but it did have a slight decorative touch with a small name plaque, the name Mitch engraved on it.

"You don't seem like the type to stay at that hotel," Mitch said, drawing my attention away from his name plaque, and I tilted my head in confusion. The type? What does he mean the type? He looked at me in his rear view mirror, noticing my puzzled face, and shrugged.

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