Chapter 15

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Aira's pov

The bell rang indicating that it was recess. Everyone started to pile out from the classroom and I waited for Taehyung at his locker.

Someone tapped on my shoulder so I turned around only to see V who shoved his hands in his pocket.

"So, should we start?" I asked.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, "We're going to get her back." Just as I was about to reply, Jessica walked passed us and sent a glare, "-or maybe not." V's eyes followed her.

"Don't worry, you'll get her back." I pat his shoulder comfortingly.

We both went up to the rooftop for some privacy. "So, what do you usually do when she's upset?" I asked him.

"I usually comfort her but how am I gonna do that when every 5 minutes she give me this look like she want to kill someone." He said while leaning against the wall.

"Well, in terms of things?"

"Roses!" He snapped his fingers.

"Great! We'll stop by a flower shop when we get home. I know the florist very well." I suggested.

He jumped in excitement as he grabbed my hands and spin us around. "Okay V!" I laughed, "I know you're happy and stuff but I'm getting dizzy here!"

He stopped, a wide smile was plastered on his face and he suddenly hugged me. My heart started to beat faster and I instinctively pulled away but he didn't seem to mind because probably he was too happy.

What is wrong with me?

The bell rang once again indicating recess is over and we walked back together to class.


"This one is pretty. Let's pick this!"

"No, we're supposed to get roses!"

"I know but look at this colour, it's so captivating!"

"Just get the damn roses and we'll get out of this place!"

"Oh my god! Look at these flowers, isn't this the one that we talked in chemistry class?"

"Chemistry is not about flowers, pabo ya! Do you want to get Jessica back or not?"

After our arguement, we finally bought the roses that we're supposed to buy. Then, he drove us home.

I jogged upstairs to my room and took a shower after a long day. After that, I went to Taehyung's room and knocked. "Come in!" He called from inside.

I walked in and closed the door behind me. He was writing a letter. I approached him and asked, "What you're writing?"

"The letter for her." He answered without looking up.

I nodded and strolled to his bed as I sat down at the edge. For a while, I was just silently sitting while watching him, staring at nothing in particular.

"Done!" He suddenly jumped to his feet.

"Ah... oh... what?" I looked at him blankly, being pulled back to reality.

"I've finished the letter." He said triumphantly.

"Okay good, then we're going to proceed with our plan for tomorrow."

I went back to my room and sighed as I closed the door. I picked up my phone that was laying on my bed to see a message from Krystal.

Krys: Hey, oraenmaniya. What's up? How's life?

I would have replied with a playful text but since I'm so tired, I just replied, "Heyy. I know right, I miss you. Life been quite busy. For now I'm helping Tae to get Jessica back."

I immediately received 3 messages from her and it says,

Krys: I miss you too!

Krys: Tae eh? *smirk* I sense something here..

Krys: And why are you helping him after all that he's done to you?

Me: TAEHYUNG. It's just too long to type his name! Sense what? There's nothing to sense here.

Me: and you're the one who find him 'kind'

Krys: So much in denial.

Krys: Hey! That's different. He is! ...... you know what just answer my question.

I shake my head while chuckling reading her text, "I don't know. I just want to repay him back." And pressed send.

She replied, "Repay for what?"

Me: Oh right. I forgot. I thought I told you already. He kinda saved me from drowning even though it was his fault for throwing me in the pool and while he was doing 'CPR' on me, Jessica saw it. And besides, I felt bad because I was the reason why they broke up.

Then, I received an incoming call from her. So I answered only to get a long lecture from her, "WHAT?! How dare he! Okay that's it, he is not kind! If I was there right now, I swear I will punch him straight in the face! AND why are you feeling guilty? It's not your fault, you almost drowned in the pool. You should just let them be! No, you should just let him get her back by his own. Why are you always burdening yourself?"

Damn, that's long.

"Are you done?" I said after she finished her lecturing.

"Yes." She said, exhaling a deep breath.


"Okay what? Answer me lady." She said on the line.

"Okay EOMMA," I emphasized the eomma, "I'm not. I just- I told you already. I felt guilty. And that's the right thing to do, I should help him. Atleast."

"Okay baby, you're right. Oh by the way, did you say he CPR you?" She asked teasingly. I can tell she was smiling playfully from the line.

Oh no, here she comes again.

Falling For My Enemy | Taehyung Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora