|Seventeen| Revelations

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"I don't want anyone to hold back who they are. It's not okay... it's not a good thing." -
Connor Franta

Song: "Best Mistake"
-Ariana Grande

Dedicated to- ToxicLoveXoxo thank you so much for your kindness!

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~Chesney's Pov~

"You what?"

I jumped awake, my eyes springing open, as loud shouting erupted from downstairs and I groaned from my killer headache. I looked around my bedroom and squinted as the sunlight poured in from the open window. I hissed like a vampire and giggled before my head started to pound again making me groan in pain.

"And they say laughter is the best medicine," I scoffed. wiping my eyes, and felt the material of my shirt rubbing my face. I looked down my body to see I was still in my clothes from last night. Dang, just how drunk was I? I faintly remember grinding on the mailbox before coming in but I'm not sure if that was a dream or not. I hope it was or there may just be a new video on YouTube. That's the last thing I need, billions of people watching me try to get it on with a postal box. Something tells me that inserting my 'fragile package' wouldn't be well received by people, children especially.

"Dakota," I called but he didn't reply, I stood up from the bed, Penny Pig in my hands, and walked over to the couch only to see he wasn't there. Dang it Dakota, always making me walk everywhere.

I sighed, laying Penny next to her friend Cecilia Seal before walking out of the room, yawning. You know, today might not be so bad-

"No, don't tell me to fucking calm down! What the hell Caspar, what the actual hell," Calixto's angry voice boomed and I covered my ears, the sound agitating my headache. Spoke too soon. Wonder what's got him so pissy.

I continued walking, dragging my feet, just what all happened last night? All I really remember is talking with Jeremy, drinking some questionable water, and Killian was beating someone up. What was his name? Walker? Wayne? Wiley? Whatever. It's too early to even attempt thinking at the moment.

"Both of you shut the hell up! You've been arguing for five hours straight! How the hell am I supposed to get any sleep with your senseless squabbling! One more word out of either of you and I'll rip you a new one, got it," Bello screamed, stomping out of his room and going downstairs, I blinked in surprise before following after him. This should be good.

As I reached the bottom stair, I looked around the room to see Dakota and Killian on the couch, staring at Calixto and Caspar who looked like they were about to ring each other's necks. Bello had his arms crossed and was leaning on the wall, angrily scoping out the scene. Drew was happily sleeping on the couch, completely unfazed by the current war going on around him.

Dakota's eyes widened, hearing me step into the room, and he motioned for me to leave, making me raise a brow.

'Why,' I mouthed and he sighed, looking anxiously towards Calixto before glancing back at me.

'Pissed,' he mouthed back and as soon as I realized what he meant, Calixto turned towards me and his glare harshened as he hastily stalked towards me.

"Calixto," I whimpered and his mouth turned into a hard line as he looked down at me and shook his head.

"Back up Calixto," Killian whispered and Drew snapped out of his slumber as he  stepped over quickly, pushing him back slightly, Calixto growing frustrated. His eyes were cold and harsh, his face void of much emotion besides disappointment.

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