Chapter 12

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Aira's pov

"Because I kissed you!"


My eyes widened, "WHAT?! You did what?!"

I averted my gaze to Jimin who put his hands up in defense and said, "Don't drag me in this."

"You were unconscious so I had to do the CPR on you to keep you alive!" Taehyung explained.

"Jimin were there! Why didn't Jimin do it then?!" I nearly yelled. He went speechless and just after he shook his head in disapproval, he stormed out of the room.

Silence fell upon me and Jimin. I was so shocked that he kissed me. Well not literally a kiss as it is a CPR but still.. that means.. Taehyung is my first kiss.

I sighed in fatigue. Why is this happening? This isn't what I wanted for a holiday. I shouldn't feel guilty right? Of course not. It wasn't my fault that Jessica have to appear while V is giving me a CPR. It wasn't my fault, they're the one who freaking threw me into the damn pool. But why the heck do I feel so guilty? Was it because, because of me, their relationship fall apart?

Gosh aira, this has nothing to do with you. You didn't do anything wrong. Stop feeling guilty for nothing.

Ah, my head hurts. I shut my eyes tightly slowly being pulled into a deep sleep.


"Thanks jimin." I smiled as he gave me my outfit. I went into the toilet to change my clothes. After that, he helped me to pick up my bag and we exited the hospital room.

Taehyung isn't here. He's still mad, I think. I haven't seen him since yesterday after he stormed out. Am I supposed to care? It wasn't my fault, jimin could've done it. But I'm just wondering, why didn't he let Jimin do it instead? Not that I want. I mean, he knows he have a girlfriend-

My thoughts were interrupted when
Jimin opened the door for me and he drove us to V's house.

"Aira! Gwaenchanha? God I'm so worried." Auntie said worriedly while hugging me tightly.

"Auntie. Ne gwaenchanha... but you're crushing me," I chuckled.

"Ah, mianhae hehe." She pulled away.

I shake my head saying it's alright and say, "Auntie, I'll go upstairs first, I want to take a shower cause I can still smell medicine." I said scrunching my face in disgust.

"Okay sweetie." Auntie chuckled.

"Do you need help?" Jimin asked, holding my wrist gently.

"Ani, it's okay. You just wait here." I said and smiled to reassure.

I head to my room but in the way, I saw Taehyung walking out from his room. We lock eyes for a moment until he break the contact as he walked passed me. His words flashed again in my mind. 'Because I kissed you!' I still can't believe he kissed me. I shake my head, shooking the thoughts away.

After all, tomorrow I will go back to my home. Time sure flies so fast, it's almost a month I'm staying here. And school is starting soon! Which I hate because school make me wake up early.

I shut the door behind me as I dropped my bag on the floor. Then, I took off my clothes and take a shower. After that, I changed into my grey sweatpants and pink sweater. While combing my hair, my phone went off. I reached for my phone to see an incoming call from mom.

I picked it up, "Eomma!" I shouted on the phone because I miss my parents so much.

"Yah aira! Don't shout! I'm gonna have a heart attack." Eomma scolded.

"Oh no no, don't get a heart attack." I giggled.

"I heard what happened. How are you feeling?" Eomma asked, worried evidence in her voice.

"Is that why you called eomma? I thought you were gonna talk about going back home." I pouted, "I'm okay. Don't worry."

"Oh sweetheart... that, also why I called you. About that.." I don't know why but I am starting to feel nervous.

"What's wrong?" I asked slowly. I can tell that this is not gonna be great.

"We have to stay here for another month..." She finally said after a long moment of silence.

I went speechless for a second or two. Wait.. what?

"What? Why?" I whined, "I'm so happy that eomma and appa will be back home but.." I sighed.

"You're happy that we're going to go back home or you just want to avoid Taehyung?"

"Eomma!" Was it?

"Alright fine.. mianhae, we're really sorry that we didn't go back on time. I promised you it will be just a month but turns out to be longer. Auntie HyeJin knew already about this." Eomma said.

"It's okay eomma," I forced a smile, not like she can see it.

"Okay sweetheart, I gotta go for a meeting. I'll call you again soon and appa said, he misses you. Take care of yourself okay? Love you." Eomma kissed the phone goodbye.

"Take care eomma and appa, nado miss you two. Love you too." I said and hung up.

I plopped down on my bed. Another month staying here? Under the same roof as V? Just the thought of living with him longer makes me dread it. How the hell am I suppose to spend one whole month with a person I'm not in good terms with? Gosh, just when I'm happy that I don't have to see him again. Thanks mom, way to make this situation better.

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