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© Jojo B 2016

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this story are owned by Jojo B. It's Illegal to steal and/or copy.


*N.E.V* The Seven Deadly Simpson Brothers


(Picture is Walter)

I woke up on Monday morning with a text from Hayley asking if I wanted a ride to school.

At first, when I heard my phone ping, I thought it was just spam because I didn't receive messages from anyone very often, but then I remembered that we had exchanged numbers and I had saved hers onto my phone. I was about to automatically reply a 'no thank you' but then I stopped to actually think about it.

Yeah that would be nice thanks, I sent back.

Hayley replied instantly, Great! Send me your address. I'll be there hopefully in half an hour.

I didn't want her to know where I lived, so I told her I would meet her at a destination a few minutes from the degraded block of flats that I called my home, in a more 'presentable' area.

Getting out of my bumpy bed, I stretched my aching body and went to the mouldy bathroom for a shower. Coming out, and feeling a lot fresher, I changed into a pair of blue jeans and a jumper before walking the tiny distance to the cramped kitchen. I poured myself some cereal that I'd bought just the day before. Seeing the slightly crushed box of Cheerios made me remember the vile touches Diego Santiago had given me. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the childhood memories that no doubt followed.

Walter Simpson made his way into my head and I opened my eyes again, feeling a small sense of security. Silly, considering that I wasn't even with him, and that he belonged to a gang just as dangerous as the Santiagos. I poured myself a bowl, ate it and washed up in less than five minutes.

I put on my shoes and wrapped my scarf around my neck before pulling on my coat. Grabbing my schoolbag, I let myself out of my flat and locked the door behind me. I walked to the spot I'd asked Hayley to pick me up at, all the while thinking about how kind she was going out of her way to help me and get to know me better.

Five minutes later Hayley herself pulled up in a small red car and rolled down her window, grinning at me.

"Good morning," she said to me.

"Morning," I smiled back, still standing on the curb.

"Get in then," Hayley gestured.

I blushed slightly at my hesitation and walked round to get into the passenger's side. Hayley's car was old and cosy. It smelt of the pine freshener she had hanging up on the rear-view mirror and she had the radio playing quietly in the background.

"Thanks Hayley," I said to her as I buckled my seatbelt. "I really appreciate this."

"No need to thank me," she replied, putting the car into gear once I'd finished with my seatbelt. "Sorry I was late, were you standing there long?"

"No," I said, enjoying the warmth of the vehicle. "I was just a couple minutes early."

"Oh okay," she said. "So how was your weekend?"

I instantly remembered going to the Simpson household, something I doubt many 'ordinary' people did, and meeting three of Walter's attractive brothers. It also brought back the cutting remarks Eli Simpson had made about me. I didn't know why he had been so horrible, it made me feel like I had done something wrong.

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