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© Jojo B 2016

All rights including those in copyright in the content of this story are owned by Jojo B. It's Illegal to steal and/or copy.


*N.E.V* The Seven Deadly Simpson Brothers



I looked up when I heard the voice of someone address me. Hayley smiled down at me and I automatically returned it.

"Do you mind if I join you?" she questioned politely.

"Not at all," I moved the book I was reading aside. "Won't your friends mind?"

Hayley turned to look at the table of her friends that I'd already spotted, watching us and she shrugged.

"Oh don't worry about them," Hayley said, sitting down on the end of a table with me. "I just wanted to know if things were okay with you."

I dropped my gaze for a second, partly wanting to open up to her like I'd never done before...about everything, all my problems. I dismissed the stupid thought quickly and shrugged.

"Things are fine, why wouldn't they be?" I replied.

"Well that whole thing with Walter?" she cocked an eyebrow. "I mean, he hasn't been to the school for at least a year and the first thing he does when he returns, is finds you?"

I was lost for words. It really wasn't a big deal, was it? Was school going to get a whole lot worse just because I bumped into Walter that one night?

"Coral?" I jumped when Hayley touched my hand.

"Sorry," I sighed, catching her deep brown eyes. "Nothing's wrong...I don't know why Walter wants to see me."

"Did something happen?" she looked closely at me. "You don't have to say."

"It's really nothing serious," I shrugged lopsidedly. "I happened to bump into him one night on the way home from work, that's it. Next day he was at school. I know as much as everyone else."

"Fair enough," Hayley creased her brows. "I do wonder why he's back though. You should try and talk to him."

I couldn't help but laugh, surprising myself because I rarely did, "No way, that's asking for trouble."

Hayley laughed too, "Well yeah, I get where you're coming from. He scares me shitless."

I nodded in agreement and Hayley drank some of her juice.

"So, do you want to go and sit with the others?" she gestured behind her.

I glanced past her shoulder to the table of her giggling friends. Girls also intimidated me a little, if I had to be honest. They could be so genuine but completely fake beneath it all.

"Thanks for the offer," I said. "But I'm going soon anyway."

I could tell Hayley didn't wholly buy it, however she didn't push me.

"Anytime okay?" she smiled as we both got up. "It would be nice to get to know you more."

"You're too nice," I smiled and tucked my book under my arm.

"See you around," she said and went to go back to join her friends.

I was still smiling at how fond Hayley had really become when I left the cafeteria. The smile was swiped off my face instantly when I walked face to face with someone all too familiar.

Walter opened his mouth and reached into his pocket at the same time and I couldn't help but panic. I almost ran past him a second time and ended up veering off into the library instead. If there was one place Walter Simpson wouldn't go, I assumed, it was the library.

I felt my heart rate begin to recede as I walked further into the library and down aisles of bookshelves piled high with hundreds of books. I strolled slowly, looking at the books in the biology section. I read a few blurbs and flicked through a few pages before I felt calm again. One picture book of photos taken in the Amazon Rainforest took my interest and I leant against a wall, admiring the excellent shots of green tree frogs.

"Hey. Don't run," the low voice made my blood chill.

I looked up to meet the hazel eyes gaze of the Simpson boy. My knees had locked up; I wouldn't be able to run.

Walter rubbed his black hair and reached into his pocket with his other hand. He was wearing denim jeans with a black top and a leather jacket.

"I just wanted to return this," he said, pulling out a small pink cloth and I immediately recognised my handkerchief.

I flushed red with embarrassment and stared at him, frozen and burning with shame. All this time, that was all he wanted? Simply to return something I must have dropped in my haste? I felt quite bad really, judging Walter so harshly.

"Isn't it yours?" he frowned slightly, pushing the handkerchief out towards me.

"Y-yes it is," I swallowed, my voice drying up to a whisper. "Thank you."

"It's okay," he gave me a half smile and I just about kept my jaw from dropping open, just about. "It would have been easier if you weren't avoiding me."

If it was even possible, I blushed harder. There was no way I could successfully deny it, but it didn't stop me trying.

"I-I wasn't avoiding you," I dug my nails into my palms, hoping I wasn't making things worse.

Walter's smile broadened and I felt my insides giving me a weird fluttering feeling.

"You're cute when you're shit scared," he said, and then he turned and headed out the library.

I was still 'shit scared' even as I watched him go. He wasn't so mean, after all, a cold-blooded gang member wouldn't bother coming to school just to return a handkerchief to a girl he didn't even know.

As Walter went on, another guy who wasn't looking where he was going happened to barge right past him.

"Are you blind, man?" the boy growled rudely, not even bothering to look to who exactly he was talking to.

Walter turned round and grabbed the back of the guy's jacket with a forceful grip and then yanked him back roughly. He twisted his arm viscously and even I winced for him.

"I think you'll find the question is," Walter hissed loudly into his ear and he held him firmly in place. "Are you the one who's damn blind?"

The guy managed to turn his face and glance at Walter before his eyes widened in fear.

"I'm sorry," he pleaded. "I didn't see it was you, I swear."

"You mean you weren't aware I was back, huh?" Walter chuckled darkly, releasing the boy and shoving him back roughly before holding his arms to the sides.

"Well guess what bitch? Here I am in the flesh."

Walter ignored the cautious warnings of the school librarian who had come to try and break things up. The small number of students around peeked from behind the bookshelves warily, but at the same time they marvelled at the opportunity to spread the gossip, no doubt.

I took back what I'd thought. Walter was still a mean guy; maybe he just had a few soft spots. One that I gladly fell into.


Any questions about this new version you'd like to ask? I'll try to answer as many without giving spoiler alerts!



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