|Three| Be Their Heaven

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"Homosexuality is God's way of insuring that the truly gifted aren't burdened with children."
~Sam Austin

Song of the Chapter - "The Quiet-" Troye Sivan

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~Chesney's Pov~

"I can't believe you guys only let me have one piece," I told them, sipping on my Dr. Pepper and they chuckled.
Calixto and Caspar ate majority of the pizza whilst Dakota seemed content with his two slices but still, that was one more slice than I had! They didn't even eat the crusts, throwing them back in the boxes!

"Hey, when you live with six other people, you learn to have a fast hand and a fast mouth, I'm guessing you're an only child," Calixto stated laughing and I immediately placed my cup on the dining table before pushing my chair out, standing shakily to my feet. The others looked up at me questioningly, slight concern shining in their eyes.

"I need to go," I whispered and I walked away from the table before they could question me. I bit down on my bottom lip, holding back tears as I went up the stairs. I won't shed a tear, I should be over it. I shouldn't still be hurting over it but I can't help it.

When I reached the top floor, I opened several different doors in search for a bathroom. I hurried as I felt my tears were winning the battle against my will. I couldn't let them see me crying, I couldn't let anyone see me crying. When you cry, it's giving people the permission to either help you or break you further, most of the time, they'll choose the latter.

"It's the third door on the right," a voice whispered behind me and I turned around to see Dakota watching me with a pitying look. He smiled at me softly and I hastily wiped the tears before heading to the bathroom.

"Wait, what's wrong? You can tell me, I won't let the others know if you don't want them to. I promise," he pleaded from behind me, following me and I sighed. I paused slightly before pushing open the door, shutting it behind me. I locked the door and I heard Dakota  sigh on the other side.

"Okay, I get it. You don't want to talk. Just, please, be careful," he whispered the last part before walking down the hallway, his footsteps echoing until they grew too soft to hear.
Finally, I can't have him knocking. He'd hate me for sure, I'm a murderer.

I sighed, sitting on the side of the bathtub while entwining my fingers in my hair before pulling on the locks softly. I reached through the collar of my shirt, pulling out my locket. I bit my lip as memories came rushing back to me and I opened my locket, revealing my brother and I's ultrasound scan. Tears stung at my eyes and this time, I couldn't hold them back.

A soft knock sounded at the door and I sniffed back my tears, wiping my eyes. Dang it, Dakota, I don't feel like talking.

"Go away, Dakota. I really don't want to talk about it," I hoarsely stated and the person on the other side went silent before speaking.

"It's not Dakota, it's Calixto. I-I'm sorry. I didn't know that what I said was a touchy subject. Just know, we may not be the closest family, but we're always here for each other. And we'll be here for you too," Calixto's deep voice rang through clearly and I just stared at the white door until his footsteps led away from the bathroom. They say that now but once they hear about the heinous act I committed, I'm not sure they'll be able to stick to that promise. How do I know that? I've seen it happen before.

Even my parents aren't completely over it, I know it. I can still see the sadness when they look at me and see what could've been. What should've been. God is the only one that could truly love me, someone so monstrous as to kill his own twin. He didn't even get a chance to truly live, to even experience the actual realm of life. I stole that from him, I stole his life before he even new what true life was.

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