|One| Those Dang Gay Parades

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Hi guys! Welcome to my newest book,"Sinful Temptations," I hope you enjoy this tale of sexuality, religion, family, and friendship!

This is going to hold some stereotypical views of homosexuals so be warned! It is coming from a pastor's son after all!

Song of the Chapter~ "Fools-" Troye Sivan

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~Chesney's Pov~

"Twelve holy disciples of Christ, twelve holy disciples! Write one down, pass it around, eleven holy disciples of Christ," we, my parents and I, sung whilst on our long drive to San Francisco, Californina from Virginia. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down the name, Peter, before handing it to my mother in the front seat. She gasped, turning around and giving me an incredulous look.

"You always pick the easiest one, give me a chance why don't ya," She teased while playfully glaring at me, her southern accent coming out. My father chuckled from the front driver's seat at my mom's complaining.

"Sorry mom, but all is fair in love and war. Also road games," I stated, winking, and she turned back around in her seat getting ready to start singing but suddenly the car slowed down, pulling to a stop. I looked around at the stopped traffic before glancing out the window to see why we had been delayed. Oh boy, I had a feeling that this would happen eventually. Not so soon though.

"A gay parade, really? What has the world come to? It's bad enough that they can marry legally now but they also get to parade around in skimpy thongs with rainbow colors splashed all over them," My dad groaned, leaning his arm on the side of his door and
laying his head in his palm.

"This world is going to hell in a handbag," my mom whispered and I nodded in agreement. I don't have anything personally against Gays, but what they're doing isn't something I find agreeable.

I heard my mom scream from the front and I heard a solid thud as someone jumped onto the top of our car. I looked out the front window to see a shirtless, pants-less man in a thong dancing on the hood. My dad pounded on the horn and the dancing man jumped in slight terror.

"Get off of my car," my dad shouted and the man held up his middle digit before hopping off and running back into the parade.

"Faggots," my dad mumbled under his breath and my mom gasped, astonished by his colorful use of vocabulary. I just brushed it off, that's part of the common vernacular at my school, nothing new to me.

"Randall," my mom exclaimed and he rolled his eyes, sighing deeply.

"Sorry, Vanessa, but you know how I get about these people. Their unnaturalness, it's infuriating. The way they prance around sinning everyday, knowing that they're destined for hell, it's sickening," my dad responded, switching into pastor mode as I liked to call it and my mom slowly nodded. Eh, he does have a point, but some gay people are pretty nice. It's all in perspective.

"That's true but they are human. Even if you don't like them, you're required by law and God to at least respect them," Mom stated and my dad huffed angrily. Exactly, I may not approve of their choice of lifestyle but it's not mine to argue with. It's not my life.

"Guys, can we just take the detour and go to the hotel," I questioned and my dad sighed, putting the car in reverse before turning for the detour. I let down my window slightly to
enjoy the Californian air and inhale the scent of ocean water as we picked up speed going down the road. This is the place, for sure.

"What exactly was that hotel's name," my father questioned as we pulled into a parking space and I pulled out my planner.

"Um, L'élégant, I believe," I told him and he groaned, smacking his hand into his forehead.

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