Chapter 2

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Aira's pov

"Wake up," Someone shook me. I rub my eyes and yawned. "Hmm," I hummed so eomma know that I've woken up which I wasn't going to because I'm still sleepy.

But she knows me too well that she took my blanket away from me leaving me shiver to the cold air.

"Eomma, I want to sleep!" I whined not bothering to open my eyes as I stretch my hands out to feel for my blanket.

She chuckled to my childish behaviour, "No aira, eomma and appa gonna be late for the flight if you don't wake up now."

Good then I don't have to stay at his house.

Groaning, I forced myself to get off my bed and stretch my arms widely almost feeling happy that today is the start of holiday but soon ruined by the thought of living in his house for the WHOLE holiday. Fun, isn't it?

I took my towel and get in shower. After that, I wear black skinny jeans with black tank top along with my red flannel shirt which I keep it unbuttoned. I dried my brunette hair and put it in a messybun. Then, I applied lipbalm to my lips and put on my high top white converse.

Feeling satisfied with my appearance, I slipped my phone in my front pocket, slinging my backpack on my shoulder and holding my luggage. I feel like I'm moving out from my house.

I heavily went down to the kitchen, "Morning eomma, appa." I greeted.

"Hey sweetie. You sound dull, waeyo?" Eomma asked. Please eomma, like you don't know why.

"Nothing." I shrugged.

"Don't worry aira.. I promise you that everything will be okay. It won't be long. Just one month, I know you can bear with it." She went to my side and hugged me. Not long? Being in that ass house, one month is like one year to me.

"Okay.." Was all I said.


We arrived at his house. It's not that far after all from my house. Just a few blocks away. It has garden at the side and basketball ring at the back. His house is quite huge, sure I'm captivated by the beauty. Eomma accompany me to the front door since she also want to say farewell to her bestfriend. I bid appa goodbye and hugged him before leaving.

Eomma rings the door bell and after a few seconds, someone open the door and it was Mrs Kim. They both squealed and hugged each other while I'm just standing awkwardly, waiting for them to finish their squealing. Now, how I wish my bestfriend is here.

"Oh, here my Aira." Eomma pulled  on my arm. I smiled and bow 90 degree at Mrs Kim. "Aira! you've grown up. You're even more beautiful now." Mrs Kim said as she hugged me. I hugged back and chuckled awkwardly.

"Okay now aira..take care okay and please behave!" Eomma hugged me once again and kiss my cheek.

"Aw eomma, I'm not sure-" I teased but was cut off by her warning voice, "Aira."

"Okay okay, I will." I laughed. "Not sure..." I said it very quietly but she heard it. "Okaay!" 

"Bye hye-jin! See you next time," Eomma waved at Mrs Kim. "Eomma, saranghae! Take care!" I shouted so she can hear me and waved. I see their car going far and far until I cannot see them anymore. I sighed and turned to Mrs Kim. She smiled at me and welcomed me in.

"How are you aira?" She asked as we walked in to the living room. I looked at my surrounding in awe. Nothing change. It's still the same. "O-oh I'm fine," I answered.

"It's been years since I met you and I really miss you," She look at me like I'm her daughter. Yeah, we used to be close since me and Taehyung used to be the best of friends.

"I miss you too auntie.." I smiled and hugged her, we hug too much don't we?

"Oh wait, I'm gonna call Taehyung and ask him to help you."

"No!" I instantly said, "I mean, no need. It's okay I can help myself auntie." I smiled to assure her.

"It's okay hun," She shook it off.

"B-" I was about to say.

"Taehyung!!" She shouted. Too late. Ah, he's not gonna help. I don't even want to see his face.

"What-" Taehyung stopped what he was going to say when he saw me. We both stared at each other until he broke the gaze and turned his attention away to his eomma. "What eomma?"

"Help her bring her things to her room and please show her where her room is." Auntie ordered.

"Waee? Can't she bring it herself?" He groaned.

"Taehyung." Auntie warned.

"Fine.." He rolled his eyes and took my luggage in his hand. I stuck my tongue out at him when he wasn't looking and pulled out an annoyed face. Like I even need your help. If it wasn't for auntie, I would do it myself.

I followed him close behind not wanting to get lost in this huge house. I might been here a lot but it's been years. I don't remember much. All of a sudden, he turned around causing me to bumped into his chest.

"Did you purposely bumped into my chest because you want to be close to me? You could have asked." He smirked. There come his so-full-of-himself self!

"No! You conceited boy!" I said rolling my eyes. And our bicker continues.


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