Chapter 1

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Aira's pov

"What?!" I shrieked, not believing what I just heard.

"Aira.. please sweetheart, where else do you want to stay? We can't let you stay here alone." Eomma looked at me with pleading eyes.

I'm fine staying at any place but at my enemy's house? It's a total no! We'd fight everyday. There won't be any freedom for me. I can live on my own. I don't need someone to take care of me.

"But eomma, I can live on my own!" I protested.

"You sure you can?" Eomma said, not believing me. "Nothing is safe for a girl to be alone anymore in this modern world! I trust my bestfriend to take care of you. Plus, this will help your friendship with Taehyung." She continued. I scoffed lightly at her last sentence.

"Me and Taehyung? Hah, we'll never be friends. Eomma, he's ENEMY. It will be war everyday!" I complained. Ahhh my life is crushed.

"You guys were bestfriends! Hate is a strong word Aira. You won't forever hate him, I know that one day you guys will go back to normal friends."

"Were eomma, were." I emphasized the were, sighing as I turned to appa looking at him with my puppy-eyes look, "Appa?"

"Your eomma's right, we can't let you stay home alone and until when are you guys going to be enemy?" Appa sided eomma. Great, my aegyo chose not to work today.

FOREVER, that's the answer.

I don't know what to say. I'm so stubborn I could argue about this forever but looking at eomma like that..

I sighed, "Fine.."

Why does eomma's bestfriend's son have to be my enemy? Way to spend my summer holiday. All my plans went down the drain. 1 month staying at his place? I might just die.

"Thank you sweetheart, you can pack your things later. Tomorrow you'll start staying there." Eomma said while pulling me in a hug.

Why so early? Huhuu. I hugged back and put a smile, "Okay.."

My name is Park Aira. As you can see, I really hate him. His name is Kim Taehyung. He was my childhood friend but things changed. Ever since then, he always pull pranks on me and I'd revenge of course. He's mischevious. He's arrogant and annoying. He just like to annoy me.

I lay in my bed and text my only bestfriend who is now on the other side of the world.

Me: Hey krys. I have bad news. For me that is :(

Few minutes later, my phone vibrated.

Krystal: Heyy! What is it?

Me: I thought my holiday will be fun and peaceful but guess what? I have to stay at his house for the whole month!

Krystal: That's bad. Wae?

Me: Because my parents have to go oversea. They have work as always :(

Krystal: Aw honey, poor you. But, i think it'll be pretty fun. Staying with that hot and cute guy? Who knows, maybe you guys will fall in love and there will be no war happening again.

She's no help. Yeah, she finds Taehyung attractive and kind. Kind? He's anything but kind? Um no. She must get deceived by his charms.

Me: Seriously? In your dream. That seriously won't happen -,-

Krystal: You never know ;)

This girl really. I shake my head while chuckling.

Me: I'm gonna take a shower now. Wish me good luck for tomorrow. World war 3 is happening soon. Wait for it.

Krystal: I bet you that he'll fall for you. Who wouldn't fall for you? Your smile is charming.

Me: Don't say something so carefree. You always say things and it happen many times!

Krystal: I'll make sure this one happen too. Go take a shower. I can't believe you. You said he don't worth your time but look now, you're talking about him rather than taking a shower.

Me: Yah! Whatever. Love youu.

Krystal: I know, V love you too.

Aish this girl. I chuckled.

I took my towel and went to the bathroom. Stripping, I turned on the heater and let the warm water fall on my body. So relaxing. I could live here forever. Sadly, I'm not a mermaid. I let my bare body rest inside the tub and lay my head behind.

After finish freshing up, I dried my hair and wear sweatpants along with a white tshirt. Before going to bed, I packed all the things that I need such as shirts, pants, girl's things and put them inside my luggage and some in my backpack.

After that, I went to my bed and lay down cuddling to my comfy teddy bear. Ah, so tired.

"Goodnight teddy." I giggled. Tomorrow is going to be hell.


First chapter!

So what do you guys think? :)

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