One Piece: A little visit

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It had been a couple of days since the honeymoon, and Luffy still treated Yukiko like the queen she is.

Although from the last day, she couldn't walk.....

Let alone stand.......

For a week........

When Luffy insisted being the only one to carry her, no one questioned it. (They already knew....Except Chopper.)

Although Sanji cried tears of blood in his emo corner......


But this was a different matter....

Yukiko, now able to fully walk again, was with Luffy on the masthead of the Sunny, with Moshi and Pachi too. They spotted an island in sight.

"Is that it?" Luffy asked.

Yukiko looked at the Eternal Pose she gained from Navier and smiled. "No doubt, the Wol Contenent, Western Empire is that way. We'll be docking at Whitemond as the Empire is land-locked." She said excited to see her friend again.


Ahead of time, Yukiko sent Skylar her Pidgeot to the Western Empire, to send a message.

Navier was on the balcony reading when she saw a giant bird coming......with a letter.

"A letter, for me?"

She accepted it and read it.

"Hello, Navier!

I hope you are doing well. My honeymoon with Luffy just ended, and we are just arriving in the Wol Continent. We'll be there soon. Can't wait to see you!


Monkey D. Yukiko"

Navier smiled. It had been a long time since she last saw her dear friend.

Although Yukiko was a pirate, she was a good one, as she learned what she did at Marineford and the outcome.

The Wol Continent was one of the few places not touched by learning about Pokemon, but maybe Yukiko could teach the Western Empire about them.


A few hours later, the crew made it to the Western Empire, and they were all dressed in formal wear, although Luffy kept his strawhat.

As they made their way to the palace, the knights looked a little uneasy, but Navier arrived at the gates.

"Yukiko! It's been a while! I got your letter!" The blonde smiled.

"I'm glad! It's nice to see you again!" Yukiko said.

"And Luffy, I see you are doing well." Navier nodded.

"Yup! How's Heinley?"

"He's alright. I have lunch being prepared outside, if you would all like to join." Navier offered, and they agreed.


Navier knew she met the crew a bit at the wedding, but she really didn't have time to get to know them.

They were all different and had their own quirks.

Zoro had the aura of a warrior, and she was convinced if her brother challenged him, he'd lose.

Nami was a very intelligent woman. She even noticed it would rain later before anyone else knew. Did she have magic tied to the weather?

Usopp was very peculiar, and he told stories that sounded unbelievable but they were entertaining.

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