One Piece Epilogue pt 5

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Only 6 hours away........

Everyone was bustling to be ready for the big day!

Yukiko was with all the other girls as they arrived at the wedding destination....Malie Garden as people and Pokémon were decorating the place as the whole garden was reserved for this special day.

Franky and Usopp were arranging the finishing touches on the arch at the center of the garden.

"Alright! I think this will do just fine!"
Franky said as they finally finished.

There was also a sun and moon theme as it represented the couple's powers

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There was also a sun and moon theme as it represented the couple's powers.

Yukiko had help from the ladies on her outfit and light makeup.

She still couldn't believe. She was finally getting married!

She was happy that her makeup is smear and tear proof.

"You look beautiful, Yukiko." Robin said as they got Yukiko's veil on.

"Yeah, Luffy's a really lucky guy." Koala said. "Plus I heard at his bachelor party that Sabo cried about his brother growing up too fast. Then Ace teased Luffy that he used to say that he thought girls were icky, now he's the first to get married."

Yukiko giggled. She's gonna have to talk to Shanks and Makino of Luffy's childhood.

Finally, the moment had come.

Yukiko looked over at Kukui with a smile as she took his arm.

"Ready Yukiko?"


The guests all seated as they chatted and soon the doors opened to their attention.

Around the ceremony, there were also Pokémon, even Yukiko's Pokemon and legendaries were watching the ceremony at a distance.

Luffy and Rayleigh walked to the altar.

Rayleigh was all dressed as a priest as Luffy had a white tuxedo with gold accents, and a sun above his heart. His signature strawhat remained but he had it hanging from his neck. He even had his hair combed back!

Then Burnet, his brothers and Shanks followed.

The procession continued with Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Brook, and Law as the groomsmen.

Followed by Kidd, Killer, Page One, Barto, Cavendish, Jinbei, and Apoo as ushers.

Robin, Nami, Melissa, Bonney, Rebecca, Ulti, and Vivi came in as lovely bridesmaids.

Koala, Alina, and Makino walked in next all smiling.

Rika, Chimmney, Aisa, and Tama were next as they all dressed in lovely white dresses, and tossing white and red flower petals.

Pachi and Chopper came in next, in a tux and mini dress, each carrying a pillow with a gold band.

At last, Yukiko was walking down the aisle with Kukui guiding her.

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