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Hello! On today's fanart corner, we have the great artwork of...@NoThxx003 so a huge round of applause!! God, why are you all so talented! I absolutely love the representation of young![Name] looking up to her older self because she managed to do what little [Name] had always wanted! And don't even get me started on the costume wearing [Name] cause j can go on for hours! God! I love everything about her, her gun, her little look of annoyance because I literally make her annoyed at everything, so it's very true! Anyways, this was a delight and I absolutely adore it! Tysm to @NoThxx003 for this wonderful gift!


After dinner, your entire class sat in the common room when all of a sudden, a certain pinkette suggested something.

"How about we all have a room decoration contest? Whoever has the best decorated room wins the title of Room King!"

If you're being honest, that doesn't seem like a bad deal. Does the winner also get to implement something? Cause if so, you'd like to win and get yourself the fuck off of the second floor.

You can't stand being on the same floor as Mineta, no offense to Midoriya, Tokoyami or Aoyama. But you need to get away from that freak of nature if you want to avoid committing premeditated murder.

But other than that, it seems like the rest of the class seemed pretty happy with the new suggestion made by Mina.

Well... Almost all of them. Because you were met with the sight of Bakugo swiftly getting up and walking away to his room, all while grumbling something under his breath.

Kirishima did try to call out to him but the blonde turned back and sneered at the red head, "Keep me the fuck out of this childish shit! I'm tired so I'm going the fuck to sleep." You couldn't help but roll your eyes at that.

"Childish, my ass. He's probably got a collection of porn magazines that he doesn't want anyone finding out–"

"You wanna say that to my face, chameleon?!"

Ah... He's so loud.

But you relented and turned to the angry blonde with a cool smile, "Of course, I will. You must have a wide collection of porn magazines that you don't want us to find out, right? Or perhaps..." Your lips curled into a cruel grin, "You're just shy because you've got a whole lot of BL mangas–"

"Fucking hell, you're dead meat now, chameleon!!"

You couldn't help but throw your head back as you cackled maniacally. Man... It sure is good to have him back. You kinda missed teasing his angry self.

No one gives you the same reactions as he does.

Unfortunately, no matter how much you tried to use reverse psychology on him, it didn't make him join the contest. In the end, you all had to proceed without him.

Thus, you all began the tour with Midoriya's room on the second floor.

And let me tell you, when you thought that he liked All Might... That was an understatement of just how much he adored the blonde hero.

If you didn't know Midoriya well enough, you would have been convinced that he was in a cult that worshipped All Might. But thankfully, you do know your greenette friend, and no matter how obsessed he is with the hero, he would never go that far... right?

You sure hope so.

"Wow... Isn't that the limited edition All Might figure? I'm sure I saw someone reselling that for around a million yen." You noted, and Midoriya perked up like a child on Christmas.

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