Settling in at Cannibal Town, A Surprise Party, Nightmare

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The whole situation immediately escalated than how Rosie and Y/N would have wanted. During the first year of her stay, Y/N has been settling in with Rosie's help in her new environment and is always accompanied by a cannibal with errands and to say the least, Y/N was slowly getting used to life in Hell. Sure it was much more different with a lot of violence but she slowly but surely saw Cannibal town as a sanctuary and a second home.

Rosie became a mother to her quickly and the Cannibal Overlord even helped her with her broken wings with the help of a doctor but news about Rosie having a kid quickly spread and everyone adored her immediately. Her secret as a seraphim didn't come out as peaceful as she would have liked but Rosie made sure to have everyone keep it a secret from those outside of Cannibal Town. To avoid being found out by sinners who would surely do harm to Y/N if word got out that Rosie and her Cannibals are hiding a seraphim, Rosie suggested changing her name.

To say the least, Y/N was hesitant which Rosie understands and gave her time to think on which names she can pick and after a month in the beginning of her second year, she finally agreed to have her name change to Y/N and Rosie couldn't help but giggle which confused the newly named Y/N and Rosie told her that her name was close to a certain friend of hers who disappeared seven years ago. When Rosie found out that Y/N's birthday was approaching, she had everyone planned for her first anniversary of being in Cannibal Town which is also her birthday. They had decorations set up, even a separate cake for Allison and the Cannibals. Y/N's favorite flavor was apple with a bit of strawberry.

Rosie checked the clock and she told everyone to get to their places as she went up the stairs of her emporium to get Y/N who was wearing a brand new dress which was a white color that ended with red at the hem and she was reading a book while eating some fresh cookies.

"Oh, Miss Rosie, is there anything you need help with?" Y/N asked once she took notice of her caretaker and guardian at the door.

"Yes, Y/N. There is. Why don't you join me downstairs? There's something I wanna show you." Rosie said in a delighted tone. She only calls Y/N by her real name when they're alone and calls her Y/N around others.

"What is it?" Y/N asked as she stood up from the chair she was sitting on while closing the book.

"Oh you must close your eyes. I wouldn't want to spoil it." Rosie giggled as Y/N tilted her head as her ear on her head twitched curiously but she did so and Rosie held her hand and led her downstairs.

"Watch your step, dewdrop." Rosie told her and Y/N carefully stepped down with Rosie as her guide. Once they made it down the stairs, Rosie motioned everyone to be ready as the lights were turned off.

"Alrighty then, you can open your eyes now, sweetie." Rosie said in excitement.

The lights turned on just as she opened her eyes.


Y/N jumped in surprise and disbelief but her eyes widened at what she was seeing. Decorations, balloons, streamers and a banner saying 'Happy Birthday, Our Little Angel' with food on the table. Tears started to well up in her eyes and everyone grew worried and Rosie was immediately in front of her and wiped her eyes away.

"O-Oh, dewdrop! Is everything okay? Did we do something wrong?" Rosie asked in concern and panic but was surprised to see a bright smile on Y/N's face whilst tears were falling from her eyes.

"N-No, Miss Rosie. I-It's just..." Y/N sniffed as she tried to wipe her tears away before smiling up to her caretaker.

"T-Thank you." She said tearfully yet joy was in her eyes.

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