Class 1-A's Tournament

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Cover Story: All Might looks at an Old picture of him and Nana.

Looking at the picture with a quivering smile, All Might began to speak to the photo, "Are you still proud of me like you were back then? Have I lived up to your expectations? Tell me, Nana." The hero cried before wiping his eyes. "I hope I'm doing you proud, I'll never forget what they did to you, I swear I'll avenge you!"

(Art by Trevoshere)


"Alright, listen up class! Everything we're about to do today is going to be very important so don't goof around and take everything I say now seriously, this is classified information so don't tell anyone and don't discuss it unless you know no one is around." Aizawa stated as he crawled out of his sleeping bag, not surprising most of his students. "Good start, a certain bunch of you would've interrupted me by now, but you seem to take my words seriously, so let's get into it." He continued before taking out a white piece of chalk. "Now, to start what do you all know about quirks?"

Immediately raising her hand, Yaoyorozu waited for her teacher to give her the go-ahead, which he did. "The first quirk appeared in China and ever since then, it has been a common phenomenon in our society. Quirks can be viewed as an extra muscle, the more you train it the better it becomes, it can be overworked and if neglected can weaken." She explained, gaining a nod from her teacher.

"Yes, that's correct for the most part, but what about the next step? What about an evolution past that and then one past that?" He asked, earning puzzled looks from his students.

"What are you suggesting sir? I mean, I'd understand if we could evolve our quirks to the next stage as when we have kids their quirks may be even greater than ours, but what do you mean an evolution beyond that?" Ochaco wondered, allowing her teacher to display a book the students had never seen before.

Flashing the fancy-looking book to the class, they all read it out in unison, "Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory."

"Yes, this book details a lot of things and it goes over evolution. At first, all of us didn't believe it until we saw it first hand, this book is real and the man who made it was correct, unfortunately, he works for The Ruler, but that's not the main focus of today's discussion. Today, we'll be going over how quirks can evolve and how you can evolve your quirks." He said, surprising many of them in his class. "Now, to properly begin, I'm going to explain what a 'Quirk Awakening' is. Firstly, a quirk awakening happens when your body and mind are in a sink, this allows you to understand your quirk better, unlocking a new stage of it, and blocking the walls that your body and mind put on your quirk. You may be able to think of many different ways to use your quirk, but your body may not be able to comprehend it and vice versa. Once awakened your quirk will vastly increase and many of the drawbacks you feel now will vanish, but some may stay. A perfect example of someone whose body isn't caught up to its mind is Aoyama." Aizawa explained.

Nodding along to their teacher's words, they all waited for him to continue talking, shocking the hero who expected them to interrupt him.

"Now Quirk evolutions are rare and only a few people ever have been able to do it, but your generation has the highest likelihood to do it. You guys specifically are born in a generation where your quirks are more suited to your bodies and your minds can understand them more while my generation and ones prior are still adapting. The generation after you won't be able to understand their quirks as they'll be too complex, while yours are still easy to understand if that makes sense."

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