Imagine 3: There Is No Heaven Without You💔 (Pt. 2)

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Pairing: Fallen Angel! Y/N x Lucifer

*Summary: Centuries after Lucifer had fallen, Y/N slowly begins to lose her passion for being an angel, and when God notices it, he is forced to let her fall, which she does. Tumbling down into Hell, she comes across a young girl by the name of Charlie Morningstar.*

*Y/N's POV*

The fall from Heaven down to Hell seemed longer than you had always imagined. Almost as if it was designed like that for those to truly reflect on what they've done, and how they'll never rise back up to the top again because of it.

Though you didn't honestly care, in fact, you were to numb to feel anything anymore.

You come crashing down in the midst of an alleyway, landing on your stomach on top a garbage can, causing a frantic one eyed, black, street cat to meow and hiss, rushing out of there as soon as your body rolled onto the broken pavement.

Groaning, you roll onto your back, staring up at the red sky that's marked with the symbol of a pentagram. Golden blood runs down your forehead, warming your cheek lightly before it drips onto the cold ground you lay on.

A fallen angel...the second one in existence. The first to have been banished was Lucifer, which was centuries ago.

Still, even if it was thousands of years ago, or even a couple hundred years still felt as if it all happened just yesterday. You, being a helpless, crying little angel as you clutched onto Lucifer tightly, pleading and begging God to spare him. Though God showed no mercy to him...or to you.

After the banishment of Lucifer, you slowly began to fall into a pit of depression. The only good thing--to your eyes--in Heaven was Lucifer's presence. Without him there...what else is there for you? Lucifer was the only one who had the same ambitious thoughts as you. He was literally your second half, your best friend...the one you fell hopelessly and deeply in love with.

Overtime since his banishment, you slowly lost the desire and passion you used to possess as an angel. You abused your divinity, did nothing to help the other angels, didn't help carry human souls--that were proven worthy--to Heaven's gate. You merely sat at home...locking yourself in your room, staring out the window while Lucifer's duck sat beside you on the windowsill.

Everyone tried to make you happy--Michael included. They tried getting you into other things to take up the portion of your mind that was consumed by Lucifer's missing presence. Some even tried to get you to meet other angels, hoping that you'll fall in love and forget about Lucifer--who in truth, was a forever lost cause.

All attempts...a waste of time. No matter what was done, said, it never fixed you. Your heart...was too broken to be healed.

And as sad as God was...he had no choice but to cast you out of Heaven. You weren't fulfilling your purpose as an angel anymore, and what use would you be if you weren't doing your duties? You showed no action to try and be anything for God. In despised God after he took the only one you ever loved away from you. You didn't see God the same anymore. You only saw him as the one who ripped your heart out of your chest and tossed it into the dark abyss where Lucifer had fallen into.

So today, you were casted out of Heaven, stripped of your wings and halo, making you just like any other soul in Heaven and Hell. And lay on the alleyway you fell too, staring blankly up at the red thundering sky, a few golden tears running down your cheeks, as your hands clench into fists.

𝔏𝔲𝔠𝔦𝔣𝔢𝔯 𝔵 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰🐥👑 ✓ [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz