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Your eyes widened in surprise the moment you caught sight of your senior, "A-Amajiki-senpai?"

The said boy froze the moment he saw just how jam-packed the room was, teeming with people.

Before you even knew it, Amajiki broke out in cold sweat, shaking ever so slightly.

Thankfully, before anyone could question who he was (and potentially terrify the boy even more), a familiar periwinkle head peeked in with a small smile, "Kouhai-chan! There you are! Thank God we got the correct room, right? Amajiki-kun?"

She turned to face her friend, only to find him frozen in utter fear. If she hadn't known him better, the glare on his face would have made him look intimidating. But after being friends for 3 years straight, she knew better that the glare the boy had was more of his terrified faces than an angry look.

But not everyone knew about that. And those who were unaware were none other than your poor classmates, who thought that this supposed senior of theirs was glaring daggers at them.

Thankfully though, by now you had managed to snap out of your shock and finally started, "Hado-senpai, Amajiki-senpai... What brings you guys here?"

The periwinkle haired girl skipped up to your bedside, all while dragging a rigid Tamaki along with her, "We came to visit you, of course! We heard that you had gotten injured at the training camp after villains had attacked you all, so naturally! As your senpais, we got worried!"

She patted her friend's back as she spoke with pride, "Amajiki-kun here was the most worried, you know? He kept making Togata-kun ask the UA staff if you had regained consciousness or not!

Poor Amajiki was close to spontaneously combusting with how hot his face had already become. A few of your classmates were glaring daggers down his neck, namely Mineta and Kaminari. He knew what questions were rising up in their heads: Who is this random dude and why is he so close to you, their precious friend? Are you dating him or something?

No. No, you weren't.

Of course, Mina wasn't one to take social cues. She needed verbal confirmation, "[Name]-chan, is that your boyfriend? I didn't know you went for older guys!"

Your brain completely short-circuited, and as did Amajiki's.

Nejire perked up at the question, a wide smile on her face, "That's what I asked Amajiki-kun when I first met Kouhai-chan! But they both denied it..."

"Stop trying to ship me with every guy I talk to, Mina!" You yelled in embarrassment, but the pinkette simply shrugged her shoulders, "It's not my fault that you're the only one out of us with the most interesting love life."

"That's no excuse!"

"Did you say something? I can't hear you–"

"I'm gonna strangle you in your sleep!"

Thankfully, you both were cut off in your banter when Nejire proceeded to push Tamaki (because he had been swiftly moving to the exit) towards your bed, despite the frantic refusals from the boy himself, "H-Hado-san, please! I-I-I can't! I can't–"

"You've been worried sick about your cute kouhai since you heard of the attack! And now you're all shy?" She rebutted but the boy was close to passing out just from being here, let alone holding a conversation with you amidst all these eyes on him.

People really need to fix their phrasing here!! What does she mean 'his cute kouhai'?!

"[Last Name], you told me a girlfriend is a lover. Is that the same with a boyfriend? Are you really in a relationship with this... person?" Todoroki chimed in, his eyebrows pulled together as he momentarily forgot about the Bakugo issue and focused more on your love life. Your face only burned hotter at his question as Ochako was also turning red, shamefully thinking about... you guessed it! Your love life!

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