Twenty Seven

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where are you bitch
you said you'd pick me up from the airport

i decided not to
you dont deserve it
have fun walking


im outside waiting
parking 3F

i found you
you really had park ACROSS THE LOT from me didnt you

yes i did
now get in loser we're going shopping

how much did it cost to rent that car

dont ask

alrighty then

Theresa opened the boot of the polished Mercedes- because of course George rented a Mercedes - and put her suitcase in there, grimacing at the weight. Maybe she shouldn't have packed 4 pairs of shoes. Oh well.

She closed the boot and walked to passenger side, feeling excited. She hadn't seen George since Australia, which was more than a month ago, and though they'd talked over text it wasn't the same. 

"Drive me to my hotel peasant," Tessa said as a greeting as she entered the car.

George rolled his eyes but there was a smile on his face. "Gee Tessa, its good to see you too. I'm great, thanks for asking."

"Didn't ask," she sniffed, but grinned at him. "It is good to see you."

George grinned back. "Good to see you too."

They talked all through the drive to Tessa's hotel, from topics ranging from the Miami GP to why the seats in Mercedes were so damn uncomfortable.

"They're not uncomfortable!" George defended. "You're just fussy.

Theresa scowled. "Fussy my ass. These seats are giving me back problems."

George scoffed, about to say something when Tessa cut him off. Or rather, her recorded voice on the radio cut him off.

"Oh my god, this is my song," she laughed. She always got a little thrill whenever she heard her music playing somewhere. You'd think she was used to it by now, but it was still so surreal to hear her own voice singing among the other big artists.

George turned it up and Theresa recognized it as Dead To Me, from her most recent album the hand that feeds.

"Don't let this get to your head," George warned but it was no use. Tessa was already drinking it up, her ego officially boosted. Fortunately, she needed a little ego boosting before tomorrow night, when she'd go out for dinner.

The dinner that she had hoped would be with Charles alone but turned out to be with the whole team. The dinner that Charles basically rejected her over. How riveting. 

She felt her mood dampen, playing with a stray seam of her shirt as she thought. George looked over to her curiously.

"You okay?"

Tessa blinked, clearing her throat as she nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good."

"Funny, I don't believe you. Are you upset about Charles?"

Tessa groaned. She had no idea how George had known, but a few days after the Australian gp he'd texted her about Charles and her crush on him. Somehow he had figured it out, and now he wouldn't leave it alone.

"If I was it wouldn't be any of your business," Theresa replied haughtily, looking out the window.

"So it is about Charles."

She rolled her eyes but didn't deny it. George always knew somehow. It was actually quite suspicious, how well he knew her after only a month and a bit, but Tessa didn't question it. If anything she was secretly grateful that she had someone she didn't have to pretend in front of- other than Olivia and Conan of course.

George pressed for details and Theresa eventually explained to him what had happened with the dinner, something she'd been holding out on him because she hadn't known how he'd react. Turned out he was just as frustrated as she was, and they bitched about Charles and his confusing signals the rest of the way to Tessa's hotel.

"See you tomorrow night yeah?" he asked as Theresa got out of the car.

She nodded her head. "Yep. Have a good practice day tomorrow. Don't drive into a wall."

George grinned. "I'll try."

She smiled as he drove away before entering her hotel, having a quick chat with the receptionist before being led to her hotel room. It was nice, if a bit small, but Tessa wouldn't be spending much time there so it didn't really matter. She had lunch with Hannah tomorrow, the dinner that night, and then she'd be at the circuit Saturday and Sunday for the qualifying and race.

Tessa checked her phone, her heart doing a little stutter when she saw who'd texted her.


And then right under that message was one from someone else.


Theresa felt guilty when the stutter in her heart didn't go away at her ex's name. Even more so when it increased. She would always love Hannah. She was Tessa's first everything, her whole world for years. Tessa had written a whole album about her for heaven's sake. 

Still, she couldn't get rid of the overbearing sense that she shouldn't be feeling like this. That it was a betrayal to Charles somehow, even though they weren't dating, and even though Tessa wasn't going to act on her feelings for Hannah.

At least she hoped she wouldn't. 

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