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True to your words, you had told [Brother Name] about what had transpired the other day (in secrecy, of course. You're not about to give your father a heart attack first thing in the morning) and he promised to ask a few of his friends that patrolled near the area to escort you back home.

But the problem was still there...

You didn't want to live so trapped. You wanted to go out with your friends like normal, without worrying about someone stalking you. Just the thought of some creep out there stalking you, send shivers down your spine.

But at least UA allowed you to use the training grounds to train for the physical exams. So now you didn't have to worry about going to and fro from some training gym. And neither did you have to rent out a place for your shooting practice.

But still, you were a teenager with a considerate amount of friends; friends who actually liked inviting you to their house.

And so, here you were.

Sitting on the train as you read through the directions once more. Since Momo had invited you, and you were free this Sunday, you figured you might as well take up her offer to join one of their study sessions. Besides, it would certainly do you some good to get your mind off training and the whole stalker situation.

Thankfully though, the said stalker never made a reappearance. But that didn't change your initial fear of the entire situation. Besides, you were more terrified of the fact that you ended up leading a suspected ally of the stalker (that creepy blood girl) to your own damn neighborhood.

With a deep breath, you got off the respective station and began to tredge your way towards the Yaoyorozu household.

And now that you're actually here... Calling it a household would be wrong-it's a whole fucking mansion!!

As you stood flabbergasted at the entrance gate, you were met with a familiar voice behind you, "Ah! [Last Name]-chan's here too!!" You turned around to be greeted with the sight of Mina grinning brightly at you, with Kaminari, Ojiro, Sero and Jiro.

"Oh, hey guys!" You greeted and they all replied with greetings with their own. Jiro gave you a small but sincere quip, "Hey."

Ojiro smiled politely while Kaminari and Mina were much more enthusiastic about it. Sero also gave you a wide grin as he returned your greeting.

"Man, I'm so glad Yaomomo agreed to tutor us! I really have hope to pass if the top ranking student tutors us!" Mina started but soon stopped to gape at the gate when she saw it. The others also seemed to share the sentiment.

"It's a whole damn mansion..." Kaminari started and you could agree more. Ojiro sweatdropped at the statement, "I feel so undressed. I feel like I should have worn something like a suit..." His words made you think about your own clothes, that seemed to be pretty casual.

Were you underdressed? It was just a simple study session, it's not like you were going there to ask for Momo's hand in marriage.

After a while of gaping, Jiro suggested ringing the doorbell and since you were the closest, you just rang it. Suddenly, the small box connected nearby (you later realised it was just a speaker) spoke up, "Oh, my!! You all have arrived! Please, come in!" Momo's familiar voice was what greeted you all. All of a sudden, the giant metal gate began to open and you were all left astounded.

Wow, that was cool!

You all began to walk inside the premises, now all the more conscious of yourselves than ever. However, all your worries washed away when you reached the actual mansion-house and alongside all the servants there to greet, there was your good old friend, Momo.

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