The journeys end or a new beginning

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Much later back in lioness

Diane: well it's about time for us too be going captain

King: so long be sure you all come to our wedding we'll have it in no time at all

Ban: no time at all, can mean A lot of things you know, especially to a fairy and a giant

King: and you what do you and Elaine have planned for the near future

Ban: a vacation we are going to take easy and do some travelling right Elaine

Elaine: right Ban said we are going on ale tasting trip all over Britannia

King: seriously, dragging my sister around to watch you get drunk is a vacation

Ban: Hey don't judge and my questions for Wolfy and Jericho what are you gonna do

Kenji: well we had some travelling in mind too in possible future we saw we traveled by ourselves for a while and visited all sorts of amazing places without anyone tying us down, no tavern too run, no kingdom to serve it was great

Jericho: yeah so we're going to go wild in Britannia for a while and don't worry we'll make it too the wedding

Kenji: probably

Ban: well in that case why don't you tag along with us for a while we made a pretty good team

Kenji and Jericho look at each other and smirks

Kenji: sure thing

Jericho: hell yeah!

Gowther: there's nothing wrong with that our work is gone now Britannia is at peace o think I trip like that is long over due

Meliodas: what are you going to do Gowther

Gowther: A quest I want to find out what I'm capable of, and what kind of work I might be suited for so I'm going on a solo journey of discovery

Diane: you'll be lonely by yourself, you're free to come along with us if you want to

Gowther just shakes his head: i'll be fine by myself, besides I've got a place in mind

Diane: but

Gowther: and I can never be lonely remember you all told me yourselves if you're ever in trouble, we are there for you all of us in the seven deadly sins

Meliodas: yeah we'll always be friend no matter what I'm sure we'll meet again

Diane and king both wave

Ban: yeah

Kenji: no doubt

Jericho: absolutely

Gowther: roger that

And they all head off

Much much much later

Kenji is sitting by Jericho whose in bed and she looks let's say different

Jericho: I wonder what our baby will be

Kenji: no idea could be demon, could be human, could be vampire could be all three at once I can't wait it's gonna be so much fun

Jericho: you wouldn't be saying that if you had to do this for nine months but I have to say Gelda and Zeldris's reactions where priceless

Kenji: oh without a doubt but they'll be great grandparents even though both of us are older than them Hahaha, hey think about it this way they'll have two cool siblings to play with

Jericho: yeah you're right about that so what do you think we should name him

Kenji: him

Jericho looks sheepish: yeah I had the king check out the future and he kind of saw a boy

The Sin of Despair Seven deadly sins x male oc Where stories live. Discover now