Chaos Returns

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Kenji is eating with Jericho

But they here them talking about Merlin's new scar

King: I think it's honourable to keep it

Jericho: same here

Gowther: as long as she has that scar escanor will continue to live in as part of merlin

Kenji: they say that people only truly die when they are forgotten so as long as we all remember him he'll never die plus we are all going go down in history anyway none of us are dying anytime anytime

Ban burps: aww man I lost

Meliodas: beauty is in the ye of the beholder

Diane: it's really sad to think about escanor but there's hope now everyone fisnkky has the chance to live a happy life, by using up all his power to destroy the commandments the captain doesn't have to go back to the demon realm and Elizabeth's curse has been lifted too, Kenji and Jeirhco's curses have been lifted so now Kenji not only doesn't have to worry about not being able to save his loved ones but he now has the ability to see his parents whenever he wants, ban resurrected Elaine and now they fisnkky get the chance to be together, Gowther was able to remember his heart and all those memories with Nadja, king went through full transformation and become the true fairy king and then he..uhh..asked mt to marry him and it was so sweet

Ban: yeah and the dummy did it right did it right smack dab in rhe middle of battle

Kenji: sounds about right it's too bad a missed it

Diane: and that now brings us to merlin, Oh yeah what exactly is it that you've want merlin you never really talk about yourself very much do you

King: she's been helping the captain out why before the seven deadly sins where assembled been before Kenji was born

Gowther: yeah she's known the captain for longer than almost any of us

Ban: I can't Imagine she'd be the type to help others out of sheer goodwill no way she'd do that without some kind of reward in mind

Kenji: I have to agree I was there for uncle but I wouldn't consider it helping him

Elaine: Ban!

Diane: come on there must be something that you wished for right is it some kind of crazy magic experiment, getting yourself some ultra rare materials come on tell us and we can all help you with it

Merlin: alright then after all we've been through I suppose you have a right to know and an obligation too see it as my trusted fellow comrades in arms

They are all teleported to a familiar location

Elizabeth: Hey looks it's the boars hat

Meliodas: ahh and the magic lake too

Merlin: ok let's get started shall we

Kenji: ok what's going on what's about to start

Merlin: I'm going to awaken Arthur

Meliodas: wait for real

Merlin starts to speak in a weird demon language

And she hovers him above the magic lake

Diane: wait she said awaken Arthur does that mean she's going to resurrect him or what

Jericho: I've got no clue

Kenji: me neither

Hawk suddenly appears

Hawk: you swines what took you so long I feel like I've been out here waiting forever

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