Farewell Uncle

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Natural disasters where raging all across Britannia

Kenji and Jericho are in bed together

Kenjj: I can't believe uncle is going to leave us I've spent 3000 years with him it'll be weird not having him here

Jericho snuggles up close too him: I know I'll miss him too he was so kind even though we hardly knew each other

Kenji: yeah he's always been that way but now there's nothing we can do for him he's chosen to go and I'm going to let him keep that choice

Jericho: that's fair although something tells me you still want to have him here with all of us

Kenji: of course I do and my mother is out there somewhere searching for my dad so that's also true I just want everyone to have the happy ending they deserve both my uncle and my father deserve to have a life with the one they love

Jericho squeeze Kenji's hand: well so do you my sweet rouge

Kenji can't help but smile but gets flustered when  Jericho suddenly appears on top of him

Jericho: I think I can find a way too get your mind off of this situation

Kenji doesn't know what to say he just goes along with it

And then the night passes

They are travelling around in the boar hat to pick up supplies

Kenji has a legitimate nose bleed seeing Jericho in the tavern uniform which causes him to get slapped across the tavern much to the amusement of the other sins

Meliodas: Ban come on hurry up you guys are late

Ban: Nu uhh you guys are too early

Meliodas: today we are doing a supply run for booze, fixings and ingredients

So get pumped up!

All: OK

Elizabeth: they are all excited that we are finally working together again

Elaine: believe me I'm excited too

Jericho bashful : it'd be better if I didn't have to wear this stupid uniform

Diane however pulls them all together: let's all have a good time

King: oh ban escort Elaine properly would you

Ban: hang on a second who are you

King: don't be a jerk

Kenji': I didn't know it was him at first either

King: yeah that's because you're oblivious

They walk around Vanya stocking up on booze and stuff

Kenji and Jericho however and running around the forest hunting animals

Kenji: Ha brings back memories doesn't it

Jericho: as bad as purgatory was gotta say I only remember the good stuff now

And before they know it loads of meat and fish are captured

Meliodas: KenKen it's about that time

Kenji: be right over got some more meat

Jericho: what's up

Kenji: Heh a guy thing

Meliodas, Kenji, ban, king, escanor and hawk are now all peeing together

The Sin of Despair Seven deadly sins x male oc Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora