The God vs The Sins

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Kenji: it's been a long time grandfather

Zeldris: what it can't be

Demon king: But it is I'm disappointed in you zeldris you and your brother completely disgust me and too make thing worse you had a son with a vampire and produced a hybrid and he's standing right in front of me

Kenji: you bet I am

Elizabeth: I knew it

Merlin: not good

Ludocial: what stands before us is simply impossible

Zeldris: Why are you in meliodas's body, father what does this mean you told us what we needed to do to make meliodas the new demon king we did everything you asked of us

Kenji: come on Dad this is the same man who cursed his son and his grandson to live forever and almost made you murder the love of your life

Demon king: The hybrid is right, did you honestly think I'd pass on the throne to this traitor that was my true goal a new physical form. Young strong flesh to house me the commandments are fragments of my power so for meliodas to take them all in and become the demon king meant nothing more than too prepare himself to become my new vessel

Elizabeth: you have no right to do that get out of his body right now

Hawk: This is your own flesh and blood so act like it do something fatherly for your son

Demon king: for my son huh do you think fulfilling my son's earnest wish is my fstherly duty right I've thought of a good idea Elizabeth I've decided to undo your curse of infinite reincarnation and as for you hybrid you will no longer be immortal

Elizabeth: what?

Kenji: (there's going to a but or something to this)

Hawk: well what do you know this guys actually a pretty reasonable father after all lifting elizabth and Kenji's curse and willing at that way too go

Demon king: and then I'll kill you both as Cruelly as possible I wonder how he'll react when he sees your cold lifeless bodies will his die despair I know he'll never see you both again be enough to make him lose all hope craving death or will his belief that you both finally have been released from your curses bring him peace and end his reason to live, also I think I'll kill the other little hrybrid over there the one that got inflicted with my curse recently

Jericho steps back


In a flash zeldris is there digging his sword into the gods arm

Demon king: zeldris shut up and go away

Completely unfazed he knocks him away. Knocking him out for the time being

Merlin gets them all in a perfect cube

Demon king: alright time to die hybrid

He goes for a big strike but Kenji just catches it

Kenji: I took a dip in purgatory too be here so I think it's time I give you all I've got

Jericho stands by his side

Jericho, Yeah


The Demon king seems to falter for a second: thus power I recognise it

Kenji: call it a present from the king of the vampires

Jericho: we've absorbed his blood and are now ready to take you down

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