The Duel with Dad

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Kenji and Jericho are flying side by side and decide to speed up

Diane: Hey elizabth do you feel it too

Elizabeth: a presence that's advancing far ahead of us what could it be

Kenji: I know but you won't like the answer if what you told me about your battle is true that presence you feel is the remaining commandments q

Mael explains that commandments increase their power and they draw close to one place they can even form an ego under the right circumstances
They are drawn to one another and since meliodas is taking in 5 commandments in Camelot that is exactly where they are going

Kenji: (so this means that uncle might actually become the demon king and we aren't fast enough to stop it)

King: we where too late

Jericho: dammit we weren't fast enough

Kenji: AHHH!
Kenji picks up speed and blast right to Camelot and sees his father about to attack merlin

Kenji: hello father

Merlin: Kenji you made it

Kenji: yeah

Zeldris: dammit how could you do this don't you know that your mother will be released if this happens

Kenji: of course I and I'd love to meet her and actually get to spend time with my parents but if that means my uncle never getting to have his life with the one he loves THEN I WON'T TAKE IT I KNOW WE WILL FIND A WAY

Zeldris: tch I see you inherited my stubbornness that's annoying

They both fly into the sky and clash blades

King and escanor are doing enough to fend off the original demon at least for now

Kenji: if you help us we can accomplish both our goals please just consider


They fight forever


Zeldris: Decades wait that's how you got so strong

Kenji: heh yeah I decided to take a dip into purgatory to get your brother's emotions out I got to spend a lot of time with Jericho you know it was nice now I look back

Zeldirs actuallt let's loose a small chuckle: you know I don't take back what I said before you really do remind me of your mother I'd love for you too meet her but if you are going to get in my way even if you are my son I will defeat you

Kenji: and if you are going to let your own brother turn down his chance at a happy life for the sake of your own gains then I accept your challenge

Zeldris: stubbornness runs in the gene definitely

Kenji: oh I'm sure of it

Both get serious again


What proceeds is the worlds fastest sword fight no-one can interrupt them because very few can even see them so much that I can't even describe it

Zeldirs: so who was this opponent you defeated in purgatory

Kenji: you may know him as the king of the vampires he was a total asshole that attacked us for no reason

Zeldris: yeah I never liked him kinda glad he's dead

They don't realise that the original demon is now fighting with ludociel

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