The pure vs the hyrbids

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We now cut back to Kenji and Jericho facing off against Dracula
(Dracula has a voice like a posh sarcastic English person brits will know exactly what this voice sounds like if you don't it sort of sounds amused when he's talking)
Dracula: So here's a question how he did you both survive purgatory as weak as you are I would've though you'd die for sure

Kenji: we did the obvious thing we got stronger and adapted

Jericho: he's right there's no way we'd let someone and stupid as this end us we are meant for better

Kenji: and that's while we'll defeat you

Dracula does a sarcastic clap: well put but a bit too dramatic for my taste

Kenji snorts: alright your majesty how'd you avoid the demon race massacre or more accurately why weren't you there too stop it

Dracula: oh that well I simply let it happen

This startles Kenji

Kenji: waif what

Dracula: yeah they where stupid and weak even my children didn't stand a chance against warriors with power levels of just above 3000

Jericho: scumbag so why do you hate us so much the if you hate your pure kind too

Dracula: Ooh excellent question my little grandson chose right, I don't hate you because you are a hybrid in fact I like the idea you two have so much potential using the abilities of vampires along with the natural insane progression of demons you could both be the strongest,
Suddenly he snarls and his voice turns sinister

I hate you because you have his blood that bastard the demon king he planned to destroy us all just because his son fell in love if you where so that's my plan waiting for the demon king to fall and then turning as many demons into vampires as possible we all know the demon king would never let that happen

Kenji: so this is just because of your own ego it's nothing we did

Dracula: oh but you did do something YOU WHERE BORN!

Dracula charges Kenji but he just blocks

Kenji: Heh it's not gonna be like last time old man

Kenji: Heh it's not gonna be like last time old man

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This sends Dracula flying back

Dracula: What?!


Jericho appears from behind and slams an axe kick right down on the vampire king imbedding him in the ground

Kenji: aww what's wrong you sounds so confident earlier

Jericho: seriously it's almost like you aren't strong enough to beat us

Dracula gets back up: oh I'm plenty strong enough

Dracula's left eye changes

The hybrid boy

Power level 120,000

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