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After letting Momo rest up, it was time for Uraraka's match and needless to say... You, Midoriya and Iida were the most worried ones.

"Kacchan sweats nitroglycerin, that's what causes the explosions," Midoriya explained to Uraraka, who looked just about as nervous as a person going against Bakugo would be.

"Uraraka-san... I know a plan to win against Kacchan, would you like to hear it out?" Midoriya suggested but she just shook her head with a nervous smile, "Thank you so much, Deku-kun... But I want to fight him on my own, it's sorta like a challenge to myself!"

You smiled when you realised her feelings, "I get it, you want win it on your own, right?" She seemed rather bashful when you said that, "To say 'win' seems a bit... far-fetched, but I'll definitely try my best! So you better watch me! I'll think of an amazing strategy, just like you, [Last Name]-san!"

"I don't doubt it, you're already way too amazing!" She seemed to blush up a storm under your praise but proceeded to give Midoriya and Iida a thumbs up as reassurance. Momo and the rest of the girls had already wished Uraraka good luck so now they were watching her leave with worry plaguing their minds.

"She'll be fine, you guys... This is Uraraka we're talking about, she's too badass to go down against Mr. Explodo." Iida tried to maintain your enthusiasm but you all couldn't deny the worry.

As you guys returned to the bleachers, you were met with Present Mic just finishing the introduction for both the fighters.

God... If Bakugo hurts her really badly, you will personally make sure to blind him...

The match between the two begins with Uraraka making her move first. She tries to reach Bakugo, but he blasts an explosion at her.

You and the girls gasp and lean forward in worry to look at Uraraka and if she got injured.

As Bakugo reaches down to the floor to grab what-you-all-assume-is Uraraka, he is surprised to find her jacket lying there. All fo a sudden, you see a silhouette move behind the blonde boy in order to attack him, however, his reflexes allow him to attack your brunette friend with an explosion of his own, knocking her back.

Uraraka tries to get up first, but the red eyed male reaches her more quickly and launches another explosion at her. He then uses more explosions on her, and it is then that the crowd starts boo-ing at Bakugo.

While you agree that you are annoyed by how he is attacking your friend, but that's not because you think she's weak. But rather because she's your friend and you don't want to see her hurt.

But it seems like the crowd hates him for a completely different reason; because he's hurting a girl.

While you don't want Uraraka to get hurt, you do have the urge to blind everyone because, how dare they look down at your friend?! If it was a guy that Bakugo was against, they would have said that it was Bakugo being cautious and not underestimating his enemy, but now it's just sexism?!

It seemed like your friends shared the same sentiment.

As did Aizawa-sensei.

"Shut it, all of you. You guys want to call yourself pros when you're the ones underestimating Uraraka's strength. Bakugo knows that she is a strong opponent and thus, he's being cautious. If you think that he should be easier on her, cause her gender is in play here then you should just quit being a hero."

Wow, you never thought you'd want to hug your teacher so much! He's so cool!!

You and the girls smiled to each other before leaning over the railings and yelling with all your might, "Uraraka-chan!! Do your best!! That Bakugo ain't got nothing on you!!"

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