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Like what you had expected, the second match had already begun and... ended too?!

You walked out to see the entire arena frozen with a huge glacier of ice. Sero, who was trapped in it, shivered in the cold as Midnight declared Todoroki the winner.

After the declaration, Todoroki walked over to Sero and used his left side to unfreeze the ravenette. At that moment, you couldn't help but notice the miserable look on Todoroki's face, like he was being physically punched the longer he used his left side.

Wait... Didn't he tell you that he planned on becoming Number 1 with just his ice side? Wow, everyone here has some sort of unresolved trauma, huh?

Thankfully, after that, the next matches went by in the blink of an eye. It was finally time for your match with Aoyama, and you were ready. You already had a strategy in your mind and you prayed to God that it would work.

But before you could walk over to the arena, a barricade of students came in front of you.

It was all your friends.

Midoriya, Uraraka, Tsu, Yaoyorozu, Iida, Hagakure, Jiro, Mina, Ojiro, Kirishima, and Tokoyami (Dark Shadow too).

"[Last Name]-chan!! Do your utmost best!" Yaoyorozu spoke and Jiro nodded at her side, "Yeah! Kick his butt, [Last Name]!" Hagakure and Mina were practically hugging you to death and Midoriya and Uraraka were very cutely wishing you good luck. Iida was also telling you to do your best and Kirishima told you to be the manliest woman ever.

"You guys..." You couldn't help but feel so touched. They all really gathered here just for you?

"You're always cheering us all on, so it's only fair that we do the same for you, kero! Do your best, [Name]-chan." Tsu's words made you really sentimental but before you could hug them all very tightly, Present Mic had already began to announce that the fifth match would be commencing, which was yours.

"Good luck, [Last Name]-san!! We'll all be cheering for you!" Midoriya declared and everyone followed suit to say the same to you, which only made you even more sentimental.

God, you have such nice friends...

As you walked through the tunnel and into the spotlight, your breathing hitched. From here, you could properly see just how many people were watching your every move.

And God, was it absolutely terrifying.

But you quickly swallowed your nerves and walked up ahead as Present Mic announced your introduction, "FOR THE FIFTH MATCH, WE HAVE CLASS 1-A'S BELOVED STRATEGIST, WHO IS ALSO ERASER'S FAVOURITE!! IT'S [LAST NAME][NAME] FROM THE HERO COURSE!!" You heard Aizawa mutter something about you not actually being his favorite or whatever, but you were too nervous to actually listen to his murmuring.

"VERUS, THE SPARKLING PRINCE, ALSO OF THE HERO COURSE, IT'S AOYAMA YUGA!!" You both stood at a few feet away from each other, and you could feel your nerves settling in.

Calm down... Just stick to your plan.

It's simple enough anyways...

"Prepare to be defeated by my amazing quirk, mon cherie~" Aoyama gave you a wink and you could only furrow your eyebrows in confusion.

"Alright!! Get ready... Start!!" Midnight's voice was the stimulus you needed to reawaken your mind. You immediately tunned out everything that was scaring you before and rushed to turn yourself invisible.

Aoyama placed his hands behind his head as he began using his navel laser at you, only for you to dodge easily since you were now invisible. With a look at Aoyama himself, you turned him blind and watched as he sputtered around in confusion.

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