The memory

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Too start off I'm going to do a quick thing of what Kenji was doing during that flashback that zaratross showed us

But first here's something interesting

Jericho's pov

Jericho is sleeping next to kenjj nice and close but she begins dreaming and finds herself hovering above a ruined city

This is just after Kenji watched Liz die and then killed an entire army
Kenji's pov
Kenji is very tired: dammit what do we do now

Meliodas: I've got no idea but something will happen we've got forever remember

Kenji: unfortunately

(Jericho: they've got forever)

The knights of lioness which includes the king and zaratross

Zaratross: hey what in the world happened in this country

(Jericho: that's what I'd like to know)

Kenji just looks at him bored still covered in blood

Meliodas is still carrying baby Elizabeth

Zaratross: hey those are serious injuries you tow and "looks at kenji" it looks like you'be been through a blood bath let me take the little one

In an instant Kenji had his sword to zaratross's throat
Kenji: don't touch or you die

Meliodas: listen to him keep your hands off my woman

Zaratross: your woman

Jericho is just confused

Fast forward

Zaratross: the king has vision a magical power that allows him to see the future the other day he saw an omen concerning the child you where holding in believes that the baby is destined to become his third daughter

Meliodas: in other words the king wants to adopt Elizabeth

Zaratross: yes

Kenji: alright but in exchange we both want jobs

Zaratross: sorry but we don't really need a new baby sitter

Meliodas: oh you've got the wrong idea we mean as a holy knights

Zaratross starts laughing

(Jericho: ok that was absolutely awesome I wonder if I could do that)

But in a second meliodas and Kenji have swords to Zaratorss's throat

Kenji also smelt something very bad after this

(Jericho smells it too: ugh damn my respect for this guy has dropped)

Kenji: (I get that we can be scary but isn't this guy supposed to be tough that's just gross)

Another flash forward

Kenjj is busy training the in the gardens while meliodas is watching Elizabeth

(Jericho: I know this memory)

That's where he meets favourite purple haired knight

Jericho: hey are you a holy knight
Kenji: huh yeah that's me
Jericho: wow you don't see many child holy knights especially girl holy knights
(Present Jericho chuckles: (I need to tease him more about that mayge focus on the fact that he's shorter than me now)
Kenji gets a tick mark on his head: for your information kid I'm not a child and I am a guy
Jericho: oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to offend you, you just looked so strong that I wanted to meet you, My name is Jericho and I wanna be a holy knight, my brother is currently training to be one but he won't let me train with him says I can't since I'm a girl
Kenji: well the names Kenji but call me whatever you want as for you being a girl I don't see what that has to do with anything I know plenty of strong women and I have no doubt you'll be one too but how about I train you
Kenji: right now
Jericho: hell yes
(Present Jericho: where did I learn language like that?)
Kenji: (where did this girl learn language like that heh she'll be a force to be reckoned with when she's older) all right let's go
Jericho: right

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