Chapter 15

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Ayezah's eyes widened as soon as she felt herself get light weighted against the air. Her breath leaving her body for a second seeing the ground getting closer to her sight. Her scream echoing through the whole Jeon premises as she tightly closed her eyes. The tears escaping through the edges of her eyes and she knew that it was obviously her end. She called for Allah in her heart as she desperately prayed, her whole body feeling numb to know the obvious truth of her d€ath.

She opened her eyes in shock, a loud gasp escaping her lips as soon as she was met with a soft fluffy surface on which she bounced. Her numb mind and body taking a whole lot of time to even realize that she actually is alive. Her breathless figure numb on the surface and her trembling eyes slowly looked down at what she landed on. The tears soaking the huge air mattress. Leaning her head against the mattress she slowly looked up to where he stood like a king. The same man that just made her almost lose her heartbeats and gave her an heart attack. Deep breaths kept on escaping her lips on thinking about the countless feelings and thoughts that passed through her while on the air. Her eyes stayed on his figure, that was simply staring down at her. She honestly couldn't believe what she had gone through just now. 

Her head in a daze when she heard the sound of footsteps coming closer to her, she unknowingly got up, her numb figure still balancing herself to make her believe that she's now alive. She saw him walking to her with a blank face, her tears overwhelmingly streaming down her face. Stepping on the mattress, he crouched in front of her, her unbelievable expression making his devil satisfied. Raising his hand, he cupped her right cheek while tugging few strands of her wet hair behind her ears cause of the tears. 

"I don't bluff doll"

She looked at his hand, the same hand that let her go and made her fall as she looked back at his face with no emotion in her orbs. Her whole self was numb from the fall, still not able to progress whatever had happened in a few minutes.

"With a snap of my fingers, I could k!ll you or even" he leaned forward till the tips of their noses touched and she only watched him breathlessly, "Save you" he smirked.

"This time I saved you darling" he made a fake pitiful face as she gulped, "Who knows what this snap would mean for the next time" 

"Y-You prepared a-all this?"

He smirked looking down, grabbing her hand as she blankly watched him. She soon looked down at her fingers as he made her wear her ring.

Looking back at her, the smirk vanishing the second his eyes met with hers, "Your d€ath is prepared by me doll. Every step in your life is already prepared by me" she frowned at his words, she finally admitted that he's completely insan€. 

Making her arms wrap around his neck and he knew that she wouldn't fight back... at least not now when she's still trying to believe in the reality, "And you know?" She gulped hearing his continuous surprises of terror, "I already know how you're going to see me as in the future" his smirk flying on his lips and she waited to hear his next words that she was sure would only bring another heart attack to her, "The night I met you and the f!$king fantasies I had of you starting from that same night" her eyes widened in horror, what was he talking about?

His devil smirking at the beautiful shock in her orbs, "Everything will be your reality soon. The same reality where you wouldn't willingly leave an inch away from me, your hatred will vanish completely from your gorgeous eyes, this ring" he lifted her hand in front of her shocked eyes as he continued, "You wouldn't ever remove it. You wouldn't ever even think of removing my name from yours. Jeon Ayezah. Your life. Your reality and my f!$king babydoll" he leaned forward and kissed the corner of her lips while looking straight in her eyes that were staring at the wall behind him in daze, soon flinching at the contact of his lips, "You'll willingly f!$king accept everything with all your desperate breaths that your taking in now

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