Chapter 14

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Ayezah's eyes widened in horror hearing his unpleasing words. Her hand unknowingly raised up and about to swing it against his face when he caught her wrist, his dark orbs piercing her deadly move. 

Her tears fell and her eyes looked like it had been painted in red, "The next time you wouldn't dare to raise your hands in front of me even if I f!$k you" she shut her eyes at the disgusting words. He rolled his eyes, his temper was getting him worse. Letting her wrist and waist go as he watched her immediately walk away.

He rolled his tongue over his upper teeth, the demon inside him growling to just hurt her with actions instead of these poor words. He lightly groaned at the sudden feeling of disappointment within himself.

Ayezah slammed the door shut of the bedroom before falling on the bed as she cried her heart out. What was going on with her? WHAT WAS HE DOING TO HER?! WHY DID HE MARRY HER ONLY TO HURT HER?! 

Few minutes of crying later and she realized that nothing was going to change if she simply cries. She has to escape from him. She doesn't need to care if he's her husband when he's treating her like this. Such words- She moved her head away, his deep voice repeating those words again and again in her head as she shut her ears with both her palms. 

The door opened and walked in the devil himself as she looked away in pure disgust and anger. The man noticed this and he arrogantly shut the door before walking towards her. She frowned, her body leaning against the headboard. He smirked, his knee sinking onto the soft mattress as he leaned to her face. She looked away and he could easily notice the hatred for him in his eyes had increased to an ultimatum level. 

"You hate me?" He asked the obvious, her rage filled orbs immediately meeting with his, "Very much" she hissed. 

His smirk dropped, bending down he carried her in bridal style, her gasp echoing through the four walls as she tightly held his collars. Walking to the balcony, he placed her on the railing making her eyes widen in pure shock. Her grip on his collars tightening and his smirk found its way back to his lips. She gulped before looking at him in the eye, "W-What are you t-trying to do?"

He leaned forward and this time she maintained the eye contact in fear, "Didn't you wanna escape from me babydoll"

Her eyes widened as she slowly shook her head, "No-AH!"

He loosened his grip on her waist and she tightly held onto his shirt, her eyes pleading him with her tears that surely was melting something inside him.

He removed his arms from around her waist and tugged them inside his pockets. She felt the gush of wind and goosebumps literally passed through her skin. He was about to turn around when she completely embraced him, "P-Please don't, p-lease"

Jungkook's eyes gleamed in sudden spark feeling her arms around him, the warmth radiating from her nervous figure giving him peace from the breezy wind as he slowly closed his eyes at the comfort. He softly wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to him and she finally relaxed herself in his arms. He opened his eyes, a smirk forming on his lips. Turning her whole body around, she screamed as she was facing the empire and her legs hanging freely against the flowing air. She shut her eyes tightly after seeing the whole scene from above, her almost breathless figure afraid of whether she'd fall.

He placed his chin on her shoulder, her flinch jerking his head lightly, "I am the king here babydoll. With a snap of my fingers I could get you k!lled or even save you. My words is the only rule in my empire. You yelling at me could get you in serious trouble let alone you slapping me. You may not obey me now, but I'll make you, cause babydoll you see this empire?"

She looked at it with her wet eyes, her trembling lips mumbling "please" every two seconds to which he clearly ignored. 

"I had decided to rule this with you beside me the night I met you"

Her breath hitched hearing his words, her heart wanting to just jump out of her chest and fall on the ground at the intense pressure this situation was giving her.

"But you're making it hard for me. And don't forget babydoll"

He turned his head to her cheek, closing his eyes and nudging his nose into her skin. She shuddered at the sudden touch getting mixed with his hot breath embraced the cold wind. Opening his eyes, he whispered, "I can make this empire lose it's queen in her first day"

She glanced at him in terror, her messed up figure looked appealing to his demon, but the Jeon Jeongguk had trouble breathing seeing her in such a state.

Cupping her cheek and making her head turn his way, he placed his forehead on hers as he continued to whisper in his husky voice, "Be my queen and you'll live like one"

She shook head slowly, her trembling quiet voice fighting to come out from her hoarse throat sending shivers through the cold wind, "Y-You could b-barely t-treat me l-like a h-uman, q-queen is far a-away"

He smirked, the Jeon Jeongguk immediately disappearing as the devil made its move. Snapping his fingers he loosened his grip on her waist and she... fell

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