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You were quiet on the way back to the control room. As everyone turned to you guys, you could only smile shakily when all the girls happily congratulated you, along with Kirishima, who talked about how manly you were.

Like last time, All Might listed the MVP of the battle, "The MVP of this battle is... Young [Last Name]!! Does anyone wish to explain why?" This time, Iida spoke up.

"I believe it to be due to her quick thinking!! Not only did she have faith in her teammates to entrust an enemy to Hagakure-kun alone but as we saw, she was the one who had formulated the plan! She also showcased that villains will not always wait for the heroes to come to them, and might initiate a fight on their own!! She showed great signs of teamwork and proceeded to work alongside Ojiro-san to take down Todoroki-san!!" He finished the explaination with a small nod to you, giving you his utmost respect and you softly nodded back.

"Well said, Young Iida! Your plan is what allowed the your team to win, Young [Last Name]! You did a very good job! All of you did a great job!" He praised and then proceeded to pull out the next lots and towards the next battle.

Yaoyorozu and Jirou placed a hand on either of your shoulders and the latter began, "You did really well, [Last Name]. That was amazing." Hearing her compliment you in her calm voice managed to ease you up a bit. You smiled and thanked her as Yaoyorozu began to praise your amazing plan, saying that it was the best course of action!

Tsu and Kirishima left the control room for their battle while Uraraka and Mina came over to you and Hagakure and happily congratulated you both at your victory.

But in midst of all this, they all turned to you with an eager look in their eyes, "[Last Name]-chan!! If you don't mind us asking, what even is your quirk? Todoroki-kun and Shoji-kun were completely blinded until you looked at them again! Can you blind people with a glance?"

Hagakure shook her head but due to her invisibility, you guys just felt the air swishing from her action.

"I don't think it's that! [Last Name]-chan, you turned yourself invisible in the entrance exams!!" They looked even more fascinated, and you couldn't help the tired smile that made way to your lips, "It's Color Control. I can change the color of things, that includes myself."

As if they were waiting for you to say that, all the girls present looked absolutely enamored, "That's so cool!! Your quirk is so amazing, [Last Name]-chan!!" Mina yelled while Uraraka and Hagakure nodded at her side.

Even Yaoyorozu and Jirou seemed rather enthralled, "That's a pretty cool quirk, [Last Name]. I can't even begin to imagine all the things you can do with it." The tall ravenette girl nodded at Jirou's words, "Yes! It's a quirk, that if trained properly, can be the greatest weapon! If you can blind anyone with one look, no villain will stand a chance! Just like today!"

You will admit, their appreciation certainly helped you to temporarily stop thinking of Todoroki and his terrifying actions. Perhaps the girls had noticed it, and were trying to lift your spirits. After all, you were still shaken up from it, and if Ojirou hadn't yelled at Todoroki to unfreeze you guys, you probably wouldn't be able to feel your legs as of right now.

Still, you tried to push the entire battle at the back of your mind and simply focused on your new friends. With a small smile, you turned to watch the battle of Tsu and the bird guy against Kirishima and the guy with tape dispenser elbows.


You made your way back home and almost cried when you saw the stack of dishes waiting to be washed. With your energy levels almost finished, you quickly took a bath before getting to work.

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