Another fighting festival

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On the way to wherever they are going 

Jericho: alright I'm gonna take a nap

Jericho grabs Kenji and hugs him like a pillow

Kenji blushes and notices ban smirking: you have no room to talk lover boy

Ban looks away quickly

Kenji falls asleep after snuggling next to Jericho

After a long time

They end up in a maze

And we find Kenji, ban and Jericho walking around

Ban and Kenji made some food in one of their food wars and then they went to look for more with Jericho along for the ride

Meliodas: if anyone is going hire this mystery chief it will be the boar hat tavern

Arthur wait that's not fair

Ban: well

Kenji: guess it can't be helped

Both: if you insist on hiring me then maybe I'll come back

They both glare at each other

Kenji: he was obviously complimenting my food you greedy fox

Ban: oh yeah you stupid Wolf

Meliodas: ban, kenken

They have a three way glare

Arthur: huh what the something just doesn't feel right

Jericho: yeah I know this is really weird kenjj doesn't usually act this way



Meliodas: BAN, KENKEN

They have a three way smack down

But meliodas proves to hit the hardest

Kenji: wow uncle

Ban: seriously check out the tough guy

Melidoas: sorry about that I got a little carried away

Kenji: it seems you got that power from 10 years ago back

Meliodas: you hit a little harder too Kenken

Kenji: hehe thanks uncle

Jericho: what the hell is this 

Arthur: no idea


Meliodas vs Ban

Winner ban

Kenji vs ban

Kenji: ready

Ban: let's go Wolfy

Kenji does his slam so quick he rips ban's arm off

Kenji: heh looks like I won

Ban: dammit

Kenji vs meliodas

Meliodas learns from his mistake and slams kenji down quickly

Kenji: seriously uhh that's so annoying

Ban: hehehe guess we all won one

Meliodas: guess so

Kenji: alright I can live with it

Meliodas: tell me did you two come to the great fighting festival with the hopes of having your wishing granted

Ban: not at all I was only here to help out with an alcohol delivery in visal just doing a favour for escanor

Kenji: yup it's the same for me too

Meliodas: wait you where with escanor

Ban: yup and Elaine is with me too

Meliodas gasps

Kenji: yup saw that coming

Jericho just nods

Meliodas and ban have their nice conversation

Meliodas: so before we bash through this wall how's this girl kenken

Kenji: this uncle is Jericho my former apprentice

Meliodas: oh so you finally confessed to her than did ya took you long enough

Jericho laughs: not exactly he made a cheesy promise about never leaving my side you I got it from that but I love him too and it was nice

Kenji punches Jericho in the arm and she punches back

Meliodas just smiles: that's great

Kenji: anyway your one to talk

Meliodas: hehehe I know

Jericho: what was that about

Kenji: you'll learn

Meliodas: let's go you too for the sake of those we want to protect

Ban and kenjj: right

Jericho: I'm getting in on this too

Kenji and Jericho draw their swords: HAAA

Meliodas and ban; HAAA

With their power they blast through the the maze's wall

They blast through and make it too the finish and I'm going to go up too when they all get selected

(As a quick thing Kenji does not know the Ten Commandments personally or gloxinia and droll I can't remember if I've already said this)

Kenji gets up with a knight that seems very strong

Kenji: this magic Zara—

The knight covers his mouth

The two swordsman fight their opponents which are just gilthunder and a guy named gil frost

Kenji and Zara... split up and Kenji fights gil frost

Kenji: man that's ironic

Gil frost: huh

Kenji: oh nothing


The dark fire melts any ice the mage can produce and he's taken out

Now that's done

Kenji overhears ban and meliodas arguing about whose girl is better

Kenji pulls out a piece of paper from somewhere (magic) and writes down on it and throws it at his uncle

Meliodas grab it

It reads
"You're both dead wrong Jericho is the best hands down you two are idiots"

Meliodas and ban glare at Kenji beside throwing it back


"No it's Elizabeth no-one is better"

"Elaine is absolutely the best you've been hit too many times"

Kenji: tch they don't know anything

With Jericho

Jericho: I wonder what Kenji looks so angry about?


She faces down

Escanor and hawk?

And that's a rap this chapter was weird and fun the next will be better promise

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