Lion's pride The warrior that stands at the top

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Kenji and Jericho are currently healing from their injuries and having taken a page out of ban's and Elaine's book and are very close to one another right now

They hear that the two demons currently know they are sheltering in the bar

Kenji: dammit

Jericho: how are we going to get out of here

Kenji: we don't need to worry if the run rises soon

Jericho: huh

Kenji: just trust me that tavern owner he's very reliable

Ban chuckles: you've got that right

Suddenly they hear the sound of Galland smacking down the tavern owner

A few hours later

And the sheltered are getting very uncomfortable

Kenji and Jericho have had to stop cuddling due to the intense heat

Jericho: uhh it's miserable

Kenji: seriously haven't felt this uncomfortable in a while

Ban: seriously it's so damn hot it must be morning

Kenji's eyes widen: wait that means

Ban: yeah those demons are screwed

Jericho: ok someone please tell me what's going on

Kenji: trust me just wait

they hear a lot of bashing sounding like axe slashes and some very angry demons

Ban: what's that demon up too

Kenji: his power is rising even more but there's no need to worry

Jericho: huh why not that seems really bad

Kenji: heh because the man out there is the lion sin and one the strongest people you'll ever meet those demons are doomed

Jericho had to stop herself from shouting but is still shocked

Jericho: wait that feeling it's like the sun

Ban: yup that's him alright

Suddenly the entire bar is destroyed Kenji and Jericho have to duck

Kenji: that's absolutely intense

Suddenly escanor charges up and attack but stops once he realises something

Kenji and Jericho get yo and notice

Galland has been turned to stone

Melascula tries to take escanor soul but she gets completely overwhelmed

Escanor reveals his power is sunshine

Jericho: I don't believe it he defeated both of them by himself

Kenji: and this isn't even his strongest

Jericho just gapes at Kenji

Kenjin chuckles: I'm not even joking

Escanor; Ban,Kenji there's something I'd like to ask you both to do unfortunately it's almost noon we'll resume this conversation after nightfall wait here until then

Kenji: roger that

Ban: we're too exhausted to move anyway

Jericho: HEY

Kenji: just let him go (dammit I was useless I need to get stronger much much stronger

Jericho: yeah I understand I want too as well

Kenji: huh

Jericho: part demon now remember and I know that look in your eyes

Elaine says that she couldn't be happier and even if she where to die again she wouldn't be scared

Ban: you say the silliest things

Jericho: actually ban's right you know you guys will both figure it out

Kenji: she's right melascula's magic revolves around amplifying the dead's regrets and rage

Jericho: that's it even if your not angry at us your still oozing with affection for ban aren't you what I'm saying is I think your gonna be fine

Elaine: Jericho you're the best

Jericho just smiles at them

Kenji: (well that's sorted out)

At nightfall

Ban: let me introduce you this is seven deadly sins lion sin of pride named escanor

Escanor: hello it's very nice to meet you once again

Kenji: yup when the suns up he's one the most powerful meet you'll ever meet demons and giants and fairies included but when night falls he becomes something a little different

Jericho; oh so the bartender is the huge man we saw earlier

Escanor: yes sorry about the confusion

Jericho: you're the seven deadly sins lion sin

Escanor: forgive me for being born (this line hurts after we know his backstory)

Kenji's eyes soften at that: alright Jericho I wanna know is you seem calmer about this then I'd expect

Jericho: my boyfriend turned me into a demon hybrid hasn't gotten any crazier than that apart from my a few things

Kenji: fair enough, anyway you said you wanted us to do something for you

Ban: is it about merlin?

Kenji chuckles

Escanor: why yes.. uhh no where are the captain and the others now

Kenji: no idea I left lioness with these guys but since those Ten Commandments showed up uncle and the others are gonna make a move soon too

Escanor seems depressed: oh is that right

Ban: so is that everything

Escanor: actually it's not, I'm glad to hear the sins are no longer in hiding and I can safely return to them but I have a commitment to deliver some alcohol to a certain place the day after tomorrow, mr ban and Kenji can you please give me a hand with that

Kenji: really?

Ban: what a giant pain in the ass, no way forget it

Kenji: I'm inclined to agree with ban

Escanor: but this will be my final task as a tavern owner, I'm a man of my word and miss keep my promise no matter what

Ban, Kenji and Jericho: are you serious?

(Sirius black: I'm always Sirius)

Escanor:  indeed a may not look it but I am a holy knight

He sneezes

Jericho: this is the most powerful holy knight of all

Suddenly a dog barks and Kenji sees a green dog with

No eyes?

Anyway he then someone very familiar

Elaine: oslow


King: Elaine

It's king

Ok that's a rap but don't worry the next chapter will be out soon I just wanted to end it here

The Sin of Despair Seven deadly sins x male oc Where stories live. Discover now