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As you were busy studying for the mid-terms of your third and final year of middle school, you got a text from Midoriya. After having exchanged numbers that day, you both began to chat frequently. And most of the time, the topic of your chats were heroes, how their powers worked and how they could better use it.

Unlike you, who was only ever a fan of All Might and a few heroines like Mirko or Ryukyu, Midoriya was a true hero fanboy. No, seriously... it was amazing how much of a hardcore fanboy he was.

Oh well, at least he was an easy person to pick a gift for.

He practically thrived off of the knowledge he had accumulated over the years and stored all in his Hero Analysis Books. You remember he sent you a picture of the first page of the 7-pages he had dedicated to All Might and you were left speechless.

His work was amazing!!

It was so ordered and had small checkpoints of All Might's different attributes, his quirk type, and other things. But it really was amazing how well-made his Hero Analysis notebook was. You made sure to let Midoriya know how amazing of a job he had done with it, but with how much of a late and typo-filled response you had received, you figured that your compliment must have fried his brain.

But regardless of how much you both talked about the heroes' quirks, he never told you about his own quirk.

Perhaps, he didn't like talking about it? That seemed plausible. But whatever the reason was, you figured that you should wait for him to tell you himself instead of you asking. You wouldn't want to make him uncomfortable.

When you opened his chatroom, you were met with another of his info-dumps. It was honestly quite endearing how excited he was to tell you all this information. You're just concerned about how typing all of that must hurt his fingers. So you quickly typed in an immersive response as well as made sure to check up on his well being.

Just like you had expected, his next response was full of typos, letting you know how he probably blushed up a storm.

Meanwhile, you decided to take a break from studying and went to the search engine in your phone. Quickly typing, you tried to look for any clue about what UA's practical exams were like. The written exam was actually pretty easy. You checked a few past papers and it was all something you could answer and get a good grade.

But the written exam was never the problem.

It was the practical exam. And the worst part was, that you had no idea what to expect. The exam changed every year. This meant that no matter how much you prepared, there would be no way for you to know what to expect until the day of the exam.

So you just decided to start training.

After having talked with Midoriya, you also decided do some exploring of your quirk. You started with jotting down all the things you already knew. For example, you knew you could change colors of things just by looking at them, only if they were small. If you tried bigger things, the original color would only get dull or turn into a different shade than what you wanted.

Meanwhile, if you touched something, it would change colors, regardless of size. Meaning, you could change the color of bigger things if you touched them. And the retention of color took a bit of energy out of you but not too much. Another thing was that, overuse of your quirk led to blindness. At first, simple dark spots. Then, your vision would get darker and darker. Until complete blindness. But of course, it would just heal in a few hours.

However, you wanted to think of ideas on how you can use it against a villain. Like Midoriya had suggested, you can turn yourself invisible and and even turn invisible the quirks of a person. Things like this were very good if you wanted to sneak around and beat up the person.

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