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After your heartfelt conversation with Midoriya, you both decided to exchange phone numbers. And seeing the look on his face was absolutely worth it. He was bursting with sheer happiness just from the mere fact that he finally had a new number to add in his contact list (a girl's no less) because the only people he had in his contact list were his mother and his old neighbor that he frequently helped.

And it seemed like his happiness was quite contagious, because even you found yourself smiling happily during school. You probably wouldn't have noticed it if Todoroki hadn't pointed it out, "You seem happy."

You snapped your eyes in his direction, "Yes. I suppose I am quite happy today." You replied with a small close eyed grin but he didn't say anything in return. Instead, he kept staring right back at you, with an unreadable look in his eyes.

Wordlessly, the bi-color haired boy nodded and turned back to the circuit you both were working on. But you didn't mind his weird actions and just returned your focus to the wires you were connecting to build the circuit.

"Todoroki-san, you should connect the positive terminal with the anode. You're connecting the wrong terminals, it won't be a forward biased circuit if you reverse the terminals." You chimed in while pointing to the anode of the semiconductor diode.

The boy silently reattached the terminals of the battery to the correct electrode and you nodded to him, letting him know that it was fine now.

"[Last Name]." You looked back when you heard him call out to you, and were surprised with the intensity of his stare, "Your arm, it has cuts and scratches." His gaze seemed to harden with each second, as if he was interrogating you, "Are you okay?"

"Oh! Yes, I'm fine! I just fell yesterday, so I ended up scratching myself." His mouth opened into an O shape.

"Do you fall often?"

"No, Todoroki-san... I don't fall often."

"Oh, okay. That's good."

How the hell did you even end up having this conversation? It's so awkward, you wish someone would kill you. It's too much awkwardness for you to handle.

Meanwhile, Fumiko could only watch in annoyance at how Todoroki was slowly weaseling his way into your guys' friendship. Sure, you never interacted that much with him unless you both were partnered together but seeing how much he was starting to participate in class, the teacher was very pleased with the results of partnering you two up.

This meant that you and Todoroki would be partnered for almost everything. And now, even for long-term projects. As much as she was happy that you were getting along with new people, she couldn't help the feeling that invaded her chest.


It was an ugly feeling. But she couldn't help it. Since the beginning of middle school, you always stuck with their group. Now, to see you being partnered with someone else made her feel like she might lose you. Her first ever friend.

And she didn't even blame you. It wasn't your fault that you were so charming that you even got along with the most closed off student in class.

"She's at it again." Mikoto's voice pulled her out of her turmoil and she turned to them, "Hey, girls."

"You're doing it again, Fumi."

"Doing what?"

"Glaring at Todoroki and praying that his hair somehow manages to catch fire." Fumiko couldn't help but deadpan when Shiho was the one who chimed in this time.

"I don't pray for that... I'm not some crazy, [Name] fanatic who's obsessed with her. I'm just looking out for her, you know... Cause you can never trust a hormonal teenage boy..."

"I don't know what trauma you have with teenage dudes, but Todoroki-kun doesn't seem like the type." Shiho huffed when she heard how ridiculous Fumiko was being.

"I don't know, Shi-chan... It's always the quiet ones that are the freakiest ones..." Mikoto shuddered when she recalled the scary news she heard a while back. But her words only made Shiho scoff, "Now that's just baseless accusations. I think he just genuinely likes our [Name]-" She stopped talking when she realised that she said that in front of Fumiko.

"... What?" Was all the sage green haired girl managed to say.

"U-Uh, nothing!! It's nothing! She's just kidding, right Shiho?! You were just joking, right?!" Mikoto tried to diffuse the situation but Shiho decided to add in, "Stop it, Mikoto. There's no point hiding it from her."

"Hiding what from me?" Fumiko narrowed her eyes at her weird wording.

"We think Todoroki-kun might have a crush on [Name]. We're not completely sure, but there's about a 70-80% chance we're right." Mikoto could feel her heart hammering against her chest. Stupid Shiho!! Why did you just let the cat out of the bag?!

"Why do think so? Just because he only talks to her doesn't mean anything-"

"The other day, he asked us if [Name] had a lover. And then he also gave her a bag of cookies, which I know doesn't point to anything but..."

"But what? Spit it out, Shiho." Fumiko spat out her words with such fervour that it scared Mikoto, yet Shiho remained monotonous.

"I may or may not have seen him blush whenever [Name] smiles at him. It's really small, but it's there. You know I have good eyesight because of my quirk..." For a small while, no one said anything. But then Fumiko sighed to herself.

"I'm sorry, Fumi... I know, you like [Name]... But hey, she doesn't see him like that! I asked her, and she said she just thinks he's attractive! But she's not looking for a relationship right now!"

The conversation was cut off by the bell ringing, signaling the end of the period.

But the conversation did not end there.

"It's fine. Even if they do end up together, I just want her to be happy. If Todoroki can do that, I'll be fine." Yet her eyes burned with anger, "But if he so much as makes her shed a tear, I'll rip his head off..." The two childhood friends shared a look before smiling to themselves. They nodded to each other and wrapped their arms around Fumiko, silently comforting her.

"Hey!! Are you guys having a hug without me?!" Your playfully angry voice made them pull away. But then Fumiko rushed over and pulled you into a hug, surprising you quite a bit.


"I'll buy you some [Favorite Snack] from the cafeteria today, okay?" Her voice came out muffled as she snuggled her face into the crook of your neck, "Huh? Why so suddenly?"

Picking her face from the crook of your neck, she gave you a rare smile, "Just felt like it. Why? Can't I treat my cute friend?" Her words made you giggle, and she relished in the sound of your laughter. All while glaring at Todoroki.

The poor boy didn't even know what was going on but figured he might as well stare back.

But for Fumiko, it was a declaration of war.

'Oh, it is on...'


An uneventful chapter but I just wanna show Fumiko's love for you lmao she does not like Shoto :)

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