Chapter 24

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I'm at my 38 week appointment and Sho was holding my hand and I could feel the coldness in his right side which made me shiver

"Sorry." He whispers and I kiss his cheek as he releases my hand

"Don't be I get you're nervous." I say and he smiles a bit and I see my Doctor come in

"Things seem to be progressing great. In 2 weeks Katsuo should be here." He says and Shouto let's out a sigh in relief

"Is there a chance he could be here early?" I ask worried and he thinks for a moment

"There is always that chance, but that's why today Recovery Girl and I will be setting up the delivery room and getting all the equipment we need, are you going to want a epidural?" He asks me and I hesitate

" know I never thought about that." I say looking at Shouto and he raises an eyebrow

"That's not my decision to make." He says and I huff and sigh

"I can put it as a maybe for now, normally parents who choose not to tend to change their mind the day of delivery." He says and I agree to that and he moves on

"We will also have a stand by team of people in case something doesn't go to plan for an emergency cesarean or C-section is what most people refer to it as." He explains and we nod but my nerves heighten hearing that

I really hope things turn out okay and there isn't a reason for that.

"What reasons would cause for a C-section?" Shouto asks as if reading my mind

"Well, if the cord is around the baby's neck or the baby is breached which is rare, there are other things but by the looks of it your baby is fine." He says trying reassure us

"But isn't the baby breached right now?" I ask and he nods

"Between the 37 to 40 week mark the baby will eventually turn on its own. Don't be alarmed if he isn't yet this is normally. By next week is when babies tend to be head down ready to enter the world." He explains and I sigh and nod

"Well I best start preparing your room up. I'll be in and out all day so if you need me I'll be around." He says and we thank him and leave

"I'm hungry." I mumble to Shouto and he chuckles

"Let's see what they have, lunch should still be on." He says and takes my handand we head off

We head in the cafeteria and we hear our names be shouted and we see our friends at a table

"Go sit I'll get our food." Shouto said and I turn to him

"Do you know wh-" I start and he stops me

"Chicken katsu with spicey pickles." He says and I smile a bit

"You're the best" I say kissing his lips and I head over to the table

I sit next to Toshi and he starts talking to me about something funny Eri did

I feel a mild cramp in my belly but brush it off as being hungry

"Here we are Zuku" Shouto says and I thank him and pick up a pickle and chicken katsu and eat them together

"Your cravings are weird." Denki says and Kiri elbows him

"Dude come on, he's pregnant. They get cravings like that." Kiri scolds and Shouto snorts at them ruffling my hair

"I remember Mom would crave American burgers and put relish on her Fries when she was pregnant with Shouto." Touya says sitting down between Toshi and Kacchan

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