Part one-hundred and nineteen

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(Chloe's POV)

I pushed myself up into the air and landed near the front of the line of people. There were a dozen portals opened behind me, with people streaming through them.

I could see Steve a few feet in front of me. We locked eyes and I nodded. Thanos was standing in the distance.

His side was large. Maybe more than us. Maybe he'd kill us all before we even get a chance. But with a literal god, two one-hundred-year-old super soldiers, a genetically mutated weapon, and Wanda, I think we stood a pretty fair chance.

"Avengers!" Steve caught Mjolnir and I paused before pitting it in the ask about later when we're not all dead pile. "Assemble,"

I pushed myself up into the air and fired spikes of black at Thanos' army. I took lots down before I landed on the ground. It was messy and loud.

There was a giant man in a suit stopping around and I was pretty sure it was Scott from Germany. Spiderman was swinging from his arms and doing whatever it is he does to bad guys. There was a pegasus flying above somewhere too.

An actual pegasus!

I think I was having more trouble with the fact that there was a real life pegasus than the fact that we were fighting a homicidal purple grape-looking alien and his army of ugly dog aliens and his murderous children.

I kept looking for Mom, or Clint. I'd settle for either. I needed a reality check to make sure I wasn't losing my mind.

I had "died", and fought aliens—not once, but now twice—I had stood on an alien planet, had walked through a yellow glowing portal from one side of the world to the other, and had seen my dead crush while I was "dead".

I think a good reality check is needed.

I slid down a pile of rubble and stopped near Tony and Peter. "Tony!" I yelled. He stepped back from hugging Peter and I there's my arms around him. "Thank God you aren't dead."Tony froze before hugging me back.

I pulled away from him and set my hands in his shoulder. "I just wanna say, what happened in Germany, I'm so sorry. I just–"

"It's okay," Tony pulled me back into a big and I smiled. "I'm sorry too. Listen, Chloe, you need to know something."

Whatever he was going to say was cut off by an explosion right above us. I ducked slightly before turning back to Peter. "I'm only going to say this once, Pete, don't die." I poked him in the chest and he nodded. "Now, go do what superheroes do, and kill some demo-dogs."

I took off before I could remember that Tony had been about to say something, but by then it was too late as he and Peter had already taken off.

"Cap, what do you want me to do with this thing?" Clint asked over the comms. I looked around trying to spot him.

"Get those stones as far away as possible!" Steve yelled.

What stones?! I thought Thanos had the stones? We have them now?

I spotted Clint and ran toward him, throwing an alien off if him in the process. I crouched next to where he was sitting.

"No!" Bruce responded. "We need to get them back where they came from."

I am so confused.

"Are you okay?" I asked trying to ignore the chatter in my ear.

Clint stared at me before grabbing my neck and hugging me. He was clutching some red gauntlet to his side as he hugged me.

"No way to get them back. Thanks destroyed the quantum tunnel." Tony said as he flew over me.

"Have you seen Mom? I haven't found her yet, I'm sure she's worried." I asked holding his shoulder to balance. I glanced from him to the glove and back to him. He had a weird look on his face.

He looked like he was going to cry.

"Hold on!" I heard Sccot yell. "That wasn't our only time machine."

Time machine? What did I miss?!

I could hear a car horn in the distance but ignored it. "What? Why do you look like you're going to cry?" I asked.


"Anyone see an ugly brown van out there?" Cap asked interrupting Clint.


"Chloe, Nat..." Clint looked at the sky tears daring to fall. "Something happened. In order to get one of the stones, someone had to die. We–" I didn't hear the rest of his sentence.

I already knew. I already knew enough to know.

I felt like I couldn't breath. Clint's hand was on my arm. Then my shoulder. Then my cheek. I could taste salt.

I was crying.

Clint's mouth was moving. I think he was saying my name but I was completely deaf. There was no sound.

Pieces of rocks hit my body and Clint grabbed my arm and dragged me up. He shook me slightly and I looked at him. "I know what's going through your head right now, and we'll have time for it later, but right now we need to move, okay?" I nodded my head and he pulled me along.

I turned and saw a purple giant and I froze. Clint looked at me but I was focused on something else now. "Chloe!"

I ignored him and slipped out of his grasp and started walking to him. "Chloe you're going to get yourself killed!" Clint yelled.

"No, I won't." I pushed myself into the air and set a wave of power down on the Titan. He stumbled and I smirked as I landed in front of him. He was holding a metal sword slightly taller than him. "My mother's dead because of you," I stated.

Thanos looked at me bewildered. "I don't even know who you are." He lifted his sword up as he looked me over.

"No, but I'll make you." I said before forcing him backward. I shot my hand out and a tendril grabbed one of his legs, then the other. I pulled my arm back and he came flying towards me. I shot my other hand out and another tendril grabbed at his hands. I started pulled in two different directions and he let out a scream.

I smiled at his pain. Let him feeling something like I did. I pulled my arms back again and he let out a bloodcurdling scream filled with pain. I laughed at the sound before feeling something hit me and I went flying.

I was on the ground next. Blood was coming from my head. There was a raccoon standing above me and I thought I was dying.

He was also talking so, you know.

"You good, kid?" I nodded. "Cause your eyes are a little black.

"Yea, that's fine. I get hit with who knows what and the first thing I see is a talking raccoon. Maybe I am dying. Well quicker than I thought anyways."

"Hey! Not a raccoon!" The talking furry snapped.

"Sorry," I held my hands up.

Right, not a Raccoon.

Here it is, the long-awaited update. Sorry it took so long guys, but I'm like actually going to work on the next chapter tonight too so hopefully I can actually finish this book soon.

Lots of things, Chloe knows about Nat, had a whole fight with Thanos, and may or may not think she's currently dying lol. Anyway, please tell me what you thought. Also, any predictions for the end of this book?

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