Chapter 11: Happiness

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"...And that's one of the biggest reasons why there are so many stray dogs, it's pretty sad."

Takagi nodded, trying to stay engaged in the conversation.

"Luckily there aren't many on our island, but there is a little grey scruffball I'm friends with that I see sometimes near home. Dad won't let me feed him, but there's a stick I keep around for when he wants to play fetch."

She nodded again, carefully taking an extra-wide step across a large patch of ice on the sidewalk.

"I think he might be a Pumi breed, not positive. He's always pretty clean, so who knows, maybe he's got a home and just lost his collar. I guess that would be better."

Takagi paused for a second, rolling out her left ankle within her brown shoe as best she could. While it no longer hurt, being sick so long had caused it to seize up, and even weeks later it was still a bit stiff.

"Hey, are you alright there?"

Takagi smiled and nodded, stepping forward on her way to school. They were nearly there.

"What about you, Takagi-san... Do you like dogs too?"

That's right, she needed to talk too. Takagi looked at the boy next to her, constantly forgetting that she didn't need to tilt her head up quite as high now. "Yeah, dogs are nice," she replied, "Though it's a bit of a toss-up. I probably like cats a bit more."

He laughed, the raised an arm in a big stretch. "Well I can't argue with that!"

Shibasaki was a nice boy. Of all her male classmates besides Nishikata, he and Kimura were the only ones she had always felt truly comfortable being around. And Shibasaki was the only boy besides Nishikata that had texted her after being out of school for a week. Girls in other classes often asked Takagi about him, but she never had much to share as she only knew that he was friendly. Some thought he was charming, and she had to admit his looks weren't half bad.

Up until now, Takagi hadn't really gotten to know any of the boys or even talked with them much. With Nishikata now out of the picture, there were no reasons to continue that, so when Shibasaki mentioned walking home together on occasion, she had agreed. Maybe it could help, talking with other boys. Especially one that was giving off signs that he was interested - this was the second time he had invited her to walk to school together, and she didn't mind his stories and lighthearted banter.

If she were walking with Nishikata, she would have come up with a tease by now. Even a non-romantic one was fine. But with anybody else, especially with another boy, it felt weird. Perhaps mean. She wasn't used to it. And Takagi didn't want to lead Shibasaki on, not feeling even the slightest attraction back, but walking and talking seemed pretty harmless.

The pair finally arrived at the school's front doors and Shibasaki held one open with a little smile. In some ways he reminded Takagi of a little scruffball dog as well, friendly and talkative, more so than most other boys.

Definitely more outwardly friendly than Nishikata, when we first met... she thought, but then shook her head to banish those thoughts. Takagi had already vowed it, no more thinking about Nishikata with such fixation. She was already past her heartache.

They got to their seats just as the first period bell rang. There was no need to arrive early anymore. "Talk to you later!" Shibasaki said jovially with a wave, then walked up to his seat at the front with a bit of a skip.

Nishikata was just settling into his desk as well. Takagi gave him a calm "Good morning" which he returned. She didn't know how or when he had arrived, but it didn't matter. Maybe he had been hanging out with Hamaguchi or Kimura, or Mina, a girl from another class, or... it didn't matter. It wasn't her business. He could do as he pleased.

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