The fighting festival

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The gang all get ready to fight in order to reclaim Gideon

Lovehelm: first up is the elimination round the ref will be yours truly lovehelm the rules of this round are extremely simple knock your opponent out of the ring, throwing them out is fine, pushing too or send them flying as long as it's bare handed the 8 contenders that stayed standing will move onto the finals

Let the brawling begin

Kenji knacks his knuckles: this is gonna be interesting

Kenji just causally walks around the ring with his hands in his pockets

He feels a big hand lift him up

Taiju: the name is taiju I'm winning this festival

Kenji: (bored and slightly annoyed) yeah... not happening

Kenjin kicks him right in the chest forcing him to let go then lands safely before charging forward and delivering a kick right to the big guys face sending him out of the ring

Kenjin kicks him right in the chest forcing him to let go then lands safely before charging forward and delivering a kick right to the big guys face sending him out of the ring

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All without taking his hands out of his pockets

Kenji: ehh that guy was annoying

Lovehelm: that little guy just took out the reigning champ like it was nothing

A few minutes and a few boring fights later

We have our 8

Lovehelm: let's have a look at whose left in the ring
They analyse that there are 7 combatants
King is floating
Lovehelm: I'll admit that it's unfair but he's not using any weapons I'll allow it

Ban: well aren't you lucky played dirty and still won

Meliodas: yeah way to cheat

Kenji: seriously king you'll really go to any measures to make Diane happy even if it means being dishonourable

King: do you all really think it was cheating

Lovehelm: and now we'll hold the lottery to decide the matches for the finals, come on up and draw your lots the first round will be contestants that all draw the same letter

Ban: this sucks I wished they hurry it up and get the finals already

Meliodas: don't talk like that and get knocked out before the end

Ban: that is not gonna happen

Kenji: it might you could be fighting me

Ban; oh yeah

Kenji: heh

King is being dramatic about his stomach

Lovehelm: ok the matches have been decided

First is griamore vs metrona

The second is Howser vs Wolfy

Kenji: huh wait

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