Another "sweet" reuinon

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Kenji having slept a bit too long wakes up to see hawk shouting up meliodas being tied up

Kenji: wait so hawk you tied up my uncle because he's sharing a bed with Elizabeth
Kenji: alright fair enough I'll go make breakfast
Meliodas: you know if you look at it as part of foreplay it's actually not so had
Elizabeth: what did you say
Kenji sighs
Kenji comes out a bit later with a few plates of food too see ban as well
Kenji: morning ban
Ban: hey Wolfy that good for me
Kenji: if you want it too be
He gives him a plate
Ban: I taught you well
Elizabeth: wait ban you taught Kenji how to cook
Ban: yup I'm still better though
Kenji: although you've been locked up for a long time while I've been serving thousands of customers so maybe I'm better
Ban: maybe kid but I doubt it
Kenji: ugh your impossible
Meliodas: alright guys time to head for the necropolis we'll start looking for king there
Ban: hold on didn't you say fatty was six feet under these days
Kenji: that's true but it's the only lead we've got so we might as well check it out
Elizabeth: the city of the dead sounds scary what kind of place it is
Meliodas: I have no idea honestly the only thing I know about it is that it exists
Hawk: looks guys if you asked me it's probably haunted with a spooky name like that bet it's gloomy and dark all the time with rows and rows of creepy graves everywhere
Elizabeth gasps
Diane: there won't be any bugs right
Hawk: once we get there and start looking what will happen if we do find king do you really think he's still gonna be alive
Elizabeth: hawk please don't say anything else
Meliodas: some ghosts huh
Kenji: interesting

They reach their destination
Meliodas: we're here
Diane: so this is the necropolis not exactly what I was expecting
Hawk: how did run down little village end up with a name like that anyway
Kenji: who knows where these names come from
Meliodas: rumour has it that this the place that's closest too it so let's get some intel on king and see where we go from here and we are all gonna need to make a little food money right away so
Let's get the tavern up and running
Kenji: especially considering we just added a giant too our group as well as whatever ban is
Ban: HEY

Meliodas sets the gang to work and ban walks off

Hawk: man what a jerk
Meliodas: he just took off
Kenji: I'll go find something too cook (I thought with ban around I wouldn't have to cook anymore)

Kenji walks around the forest and kills many animals to get some food and finds some veggies as well

Kenji hears some ruckus going on
Kenji: (today is so noisy)

He sees his uncle hitting ban over the head
He looks to see a kid floating
Kenji: (wait the power to float,that hair colour, that spear)

Meliodas and Diane: KING

Kenji: Hey king it's been a long time


Melododas: well maybe he lost a little weight
Ban: a little weight that isn't even the main issue here
Diane: king we came to look for you and now your here this is amazing I'm so happy to se you again

King flies off

The gang return to the tavern


Kenji runs after king

King: what's a moron, I can't believe how stupid I am, idiot now Diane is going to think I took off just because I saw her then again who can blame me hearing that after being away from her all this time, Diane's just as adorable as she ever was but what am I going to do what if this tips her off that I like her, WHAT AM I GONNA DO, and what haven't the captain changed in all this time anyway it's weird that he looks the same as for Kenji he looks similar maybe a bit taller, longer hair too still it was really nice to see them again I can't let that monster deceive my three friends
Kenji: wow you talk to yourself alot

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