500 votes special - The Courage to Move On [2]

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The stoic boy may have mellowed but the basket with an oversized pastel pink ribbon in his lap still doesn't suit him. Holding back a giggle, Renka asks: "Why's your mum in hospital? Do you mind if I ask?"

His eyes leave her plump, moving lips and stare out the window. For the next 10 minutes, Renka's jaw drops more with every word he says.

Nononono, can I listen to this????

The subtly warm atmosphere dips below absolute zero. "Oh, she had a bout of food poisoning," or "A fishbone was lodged in her throat." Something like that was more in line with expectations. She does NOT expect such a heavy and detailed reply to her casual question. They aren't even that close. It's frankly both burdensome and touching that he confides in her.

It's dangerous to be so trusting! He knows he shouldn't follow strangers giving him candy, right?

Renka organizes the information in her head. Endeavor's been obsessed with topping All Might... which is no secret to the public. What wasn't widespread though, was the Quirk marriage with a woman possessing a Frost Quirk. He aimed to create an upgraded version of himself. A child who would inherit his Hellflame Quirk but having some quality from his wife that will mitigate Hellflame's drawback, overheating.

Does he take his family for a factory? No, what's the point of having a substitute fulfill his goal?

Renka can't comprehend Endeavor's thinking.

When things didn't go as planned, he turned to domestic violence and Shouto's mother eventually broke down. She's been receiving treatment at the hospital, away from potential stressors.

Namely, Endeavor.

But Renka catches a familiar self-loathing in Shouto. He clearly thinks of himself as one of those 'stressors'. The bitter taste in her mouth intensifies.

"Now I get why you didn't want to use your flames."

"That's a thing of the past now. Midoriya's words changed my mind."

The bluenette nods. He must be referring to their match in the Sports Festival. Shouto resolutely used ice only but Izuku pushed him to put in everything at his disposal. Then in Hosu, she saw burn marks on Stain's body. Shouto has undeniably moved forward. Maybe his internship with Endeavor's agency played a part too.

But enough of that! He shouldn't stand in front of his mother with such a somber face!

"Mum was worried because of the Hosu City incident so I wanted to show that I'm healthy."

"Healthy? Reaaaally?" She pulls up his sleeve. He flinches at the soft contact but surrenders. Tight bandages cover his left forearm.

"... How did you know?" He showed no sign for. The cut on his cheek healed quickly but the wounds from Stain's blades digging deep need more time. It wasn't too impeding and he wanted to visit his mother so he requested for an early discharge.

"I was there too... at Hosu. Stain was already defeated, though." Renka's nose scrunches and her small fist shakes, "How dare he injure Izu-chan and you guys! I'd have taught him a lesson or two if I arrived earlier!"

Shouto cracks a smile at the non-threatening gesture. For a moment, he thinks that if he has such a childhood friend, the last thing he would do is cause worry all the time.

She returns his sleeve to its original position, careful not to touch the bandages, "So why did you ask me, of all people, to see your mum?" Their relationship amounts to being classmates at best. Of course, this is her personal opinion but she thinks the sentiment's mutual.

"Mum was curious about my friends on my last visit."

He'd have asked Izuku but he's still recuperating in the hospital with Iida. Yaoyorozu's an option but they're still uncomfortable with each other. In many ways, he thinks Senshiro is a good choice.

Deep in his thoughts, Shouto doesn't notice his companion looking at him like he's pitiful.

He has no friends so he has to ask a classmate to pretend to be one...

Renka's misunderstandings about Shouto continue to grow.




And so, after claiming to be just classmates, the bluenette belatedly remembers her mission to pretend to be Shouto's friend.


She smacks her forehead hard.

"I was sooo nervous about meeting Shouto's family that I lost my mind!" Thin arms clings to Shouto's uninjured side, "We're super close. I'm Senshiro Renka from Shouto's class. Ah, that's from my mum. Please enjoy it!" She motions at the basket containing colourful fruits and a yubari melon. Her mother insisted on it, muttering something about first impressions and future in-laws.

It's hard to understand a madwoman.

"Shouto, don't keep your friend standing." Rei's eyes curve into crescent moons, "Can I call you Ren-chan? Thank you. It's delightful enough having such a cute guest today, but to receive this precious gift..."

Renka swoons from the pretty eye smile and starts spouting gibberish, "Call me anything you want! A close friend's mum is my mum and my mum is a close friend's mum so that makes you sisters! Just accept it with a peace of mind." Rei can see her invisible tail wagging excitedly.

A laughter like clear bells bursts out of Rei and her children look at her, stunned. Rei's a serene woman and even on the best of days, a bright smile is the most positive response she gives. When her firstborn died and she injured Shouto, she lost even that smile. Naturally, they've never heard her laughing.

"In that case, I'll accept it gratefully. Would you like any tea or juice?"

On the other hand, Renka's stunned for different reasons. Is this a human? Impossible! Perhaps due to long exposure to stress, her new mother's face didn't escape the signs of aging. But that doesn't mean her beauty is diminished; it just gives her the flavour of a gentle and mature woman. Her silky hair, the same white colour as Shouto's hair on the right side, and the snow white skin gives her an ephemeral look. Like a fairy that will melt from a single touch.

"J-J-J-J-Juice is good, Godmother! Wait, I'll do it! It's blasphemous to let a fairy do chores!"


Shouto and Fuyumi, Rei's actual children who are completely forgotten, share a glance.

Shouto thought that Renka lost some liveliness after the internships but it seems she's back to normal. And he confirms that she's the right choice. Looking at the gloom being chased away, he thinks that is something only children who grew up in a complete family can do.

He's not lovable and has no talent for making people smile. The things to tell Rei piled up over the years, but the words evaporate whenever he meets the woman smaller and more fragile than in his memory.

His eyes capture the bluenette again.

The arm she clung onto is tingling more than his injured arm, as though it's mourning the loss of her touch.


After the children leave, Rei finds a card in the fruit basket while sorting out the room. On it are well wishes, a chatroom link and some words in cursive.

"You're invited to U.A. Class 1-A Mothers' Association...?"

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