She's not okay

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Trigger warning ⚠️ Self harm⚠️

Yesterday was hell for Y/n  and Tyler they had a argument about something dumb. Y/n was mentally unstable so she cut to keep herself going, Tyler doesn't know about it, the only thing he knows is that she wanted to end it.

Y/n: Pov

I woke up and checked what time it was but to do that I had to hover over Tyler and I had sleeves so it won't show and I grab my phone and Tyler just gives me a concerned look and I grab my phone and look then looked at him.

Tyler: "Y/n what's on your wrist?"

Shit he saw, my sleeves probably went down when I was grabbing my phone. I really don't have the time to answer right now.

Y/n: "Leave me alone"

I say in a rush and head to the kitchen hopeing he would leave me alone but of course he didn't he came after me.

Tyler: "Y/n stop fucken ignore me I'm talking to you!"

He say raising his voice at me.
I walk to the kitchen try to clear my mind but couldn't because Tyler came shortly after.

Y/n: "Just leave me the fuck alone Tyler!"

Tyler: "Why would I leave you alone when you have been lying to me this entire time! Y/n I just want to make you happy."

He says as the last part low.

Tyler: "I just feel like sometimes I'm not enough for you!"

Y/n: " Did you hear me say no, then why are you making this shit up!"

I got mad and threw the vase that Tyler gave me, next to where Tyler was standing.(so like almost hitting him) I look and he Tyler face was cut by the glass and I ran over to him he fell to the floor and I hug him and he hugges me back and says to me...

Tyler: "Dear you promise you won't hurt yourself"

Y/n: " I promise but we have to clean you up, your bleeding!"

Tyler smiles and I help him get up on his feet and we slowly walk to the bathroom I sit him down and take out the first Aid kit I put a towel to stop the bleeding which he was bleeding a lot then put rubbing alcohol for any bacteria.

Tyler: "Ahh~ "

Tyler groans in pain. Fuck that was hot that kinda turn me on a bit. What are you saying Y/n you can't just be horny after a argument.

Tyler: "love you okay?"

Y/n: " Yeah.."

I put more on his cut and he groans again. Fuck I can't with myself right now. I was done and put the stuff away and helped Tyler walk to our bedroom. I lay him down then laid next to him, he had his face snuggled in my neck and one hand on my side.

Tyler: "I love you"

Y/n: "I love you to"

I said with a smile and we both fell asleep.

*Kinda short but it's okay at lest I posted today*
Hope your having a good day sorry if your not, eat and drink water!

Tyler GalpinX !Fem! reader (One shots smut)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon