Part one-hundred and fifteen

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(Chloe's POV)

The fighting was immediate. We rushed forward and a spot in the dome opened. The aliens ran through towards us and we met them at the river. It was like a blood bath almost. Sam and Rhodey were up in the air doing what they could while the rest of us were on the ground.

I tossed a few aliens into the air and pulled them apart. What I guessed was their blood rained down and it was disgusting. I did what I could to protect the Wakandians while also fighting and protecting myself.

"How much longer, Shuri?" T'Challa asked his sister.

"I've barely begun, brother," Shuri said and I sighed.

"You might want to pick up the pace."

I slammed an alien into the ground and pulled another one off a Wakandian. "If I die fighting aliens I'm going to be pissed," I said to no one in particular.

"Better than Nazis," Bucky yelled as he shot an alien behind me.

"I had that one. And stop bringing up the fact that you're old."

"I know you did, and I'll do whatever I want little girl." I glared at him and his eyes widened. "Behind you!"

I turned only to be pushed to the ground by an ugly, slimy, dog alien. I let out a scream of shock and flung it over my head as we fell. I sat up and turned to see Bucky being thrown to the ground by another alien.

He stabbed at it before I pulled it into the air and ripped it apart. "You good?" He gave me a thumbs-up while he breathed deeply.

"Those things have horrible breath." He said taking my hand as I pulled him up.

"You're telling me." I smiled and a swarm of aliens started running at us. I threw them into the air, ripped them apart, slammed them into the ground, pushed them away, you name it, but they just kept coming.

There's too many.

I lost sight of Bucky at some point. I couldn't see anyone. Not past all the aliens surrounding me. I let out a yell as one clawed my side, drawing blood, and ripping a good chunk of skin out.

I held up my hands and a dome of black mist went up around me. It solidified and pounding started. I held up one hand, keeping the shield up, and the other went to my side. I looked at it and saw blood coating my palm.

I groaned but focused on fixing my skin. I didn't think I had any internal injuries, but I wanted to make the bleeding stop. The shield above me flickered as I healed my skin and I groaned. I touched it gently and nodded, satisfied.

"There's too many of them!" Bruce's voice came through the comm system. I pushed the shield away from me forcefully and dozens of aliens went flying.

I looked up and saw a rainbow-looking light coming down and hitting the ground a couple of hundred feet from me. It looked like...

It couldn't be. Could it?

Something went flying out of the light, electricity hitting every alien it hit. It went past me, and I could smell my hair singe. My smile grew as Thor appeared out of the light.

His hair was shorter, and he had some sort of ax with him. He was standing with...a tree and a raccoon?

I'm not even going to question it, I'm too thankful.

I laughed out of excitement and shock as the rest of the aliens froze where they stood on the other side of the stream. I stared at Thor. I had never been so happy to see him.

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