Chapter 12 - Memories

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The last weeks of Nishikata and Takagi's second year of middle school were intensely agitated. The library, which usually just had the two of them and a few other people, was packed until the end of the final exams.

Nishikata and Takagi also intensified their studies, they were spending more time at the library, and they were hanging out a bit less. However, this time, Nishikata wasn't nearly as worn out as he was for the previous test. He was understanding fairly easily all the topics, and he took breaks regularly. Takagi timed her breaks with his, and so, they could hang out during those moments.

When the exams started, of course Nishikata was nervous, he needed quite a high score after all, and he couldn't afford to make any mistake that he could prevent. But this time he had confidence about his understanding of the subjects, and he followed the advice Takagi gave him for the previous tests last year. He took his time before the test to calm down and empty his mind. In the end, Nishikata got good scores for every subject, including math, in which he scored 96, finishing his second year of middle school with 80.8 points, just barely enough to enter Sekai Eda High, which was perfect for him.

Takagi, of course, had no problems with her scores as well. On the day they received their results, they commemorated by going to the convenience store and buying some hot chocolate. Nishikata had noticed that Takagi was behaving strangely though, but he chose not to ask about it.

"Hey, Nishikata" she asked "What are you planning for spring break?"

"Umm" he thought "I think I'll take a break from studies, like I did with winter break, your advice worked well, um, t-thanks" he blushed a little. His face, then, turned mischievous "By the way, Takagi-San, how are your plans for tomorrow, I've got a contest that you're sure to lose"

Takagi gave a chuckle, but her smile seemed sad, which confused Nishikata for a moment, she hid it right away though "Actually, Nishikata" she began "I'll be visiting my grandma during spring break, I... won't be here"

Nishikata paused for a moment "O-Oh, I... I see..."

"What is it? You're gonna get lonely?" she said, going back to her teasing self.

"A-AS IF" Nishikata cried in embarrassment, making Takagi giggle.

"I sure will miss these reactions" she said, taking another sip from her chocolate.

They finished their hot chocolates and went home. They were walking in silence until Nishikata broke it.

"Um, Takagi-San", he began, "What day are you coming back?"

Takagi looked at him with a mischievous smile "Someone's already missing me, I see"

"T-That's not it!" He cried "It's just so I know when we can have that contest"

"Of course" Takagi giggled "I'll probably stay there until the last day of spring break"

"I-Is that so..." he felt a pain in his chest.

"Yeah" Takagi's face had a hint of sadness "Also, the signal is really bad there since my grandma lives in the countryside, so it'll be difficult to contact each other"

"I-I see..." he said, looking away.

At that point, they reached the intersection where they usually parted ways. They paused for a moment.

"So, um, I'll see you at school, I guess?" said Nishikata, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah..." she responded, looking down "Try not to miss me too much, Nishikata" she added with a smile, to which he nodded.

"Takagi-San!" he said as she was turning away, she paused and looked at him. He hesitated "B-Be careful, um, have a safe trip"

She smiled at him "Thanks, Nishikata, I will"

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