Chapter 9 - Resolutions

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"Happy new year!" Nishikata and Takagi said in unison, bowing to each other.

They were currently at the local New Year Festival, both of them had come with their parents, who were chatting with friends and had let them wander around the festival on their own. In the last few days it had snowed quite a lot, and everything that hadn't been cleaned was covered in a thick white blanket. Nishikata and Takagi had actually already agreed to meet there again in the previous year, and Takagi had done the favor of reminding him a few days before.

"Are you excited for our date, Nishikata?" Takagi said with a cute smile.

Nishikata blushed and looked away "It's not a date, we're just hanging out at the Festival"

"Hmm" Takagi said "But you'll take my hand right? We could lose track of each other" she said, smirking "Oh, wait, I think I'll just take your arm since we're both using the gloves" she said teasingly and getting closer to Nishikata's face, as her smirk became even wider.

Nishikata blushed now that he noticed Takagi was wearing the pink gloves he gave her on Christmas, and he, of course, was wearing the blue ones with cat shaped pins she gave him.

"T-There's not that many people here, it'll not be too hard to find each other" he said as his face became even redder "Besides, we could bump into someone from school".

Takagi felt a little disappointed, but shrugged it off. She giggled, amusing herself with his embarrassment "Alright, alright" she said "Let's go make our wishes"

They went to the line of people waiting to make their wishes in front of the shrine. 'I think it'll be of no use wishing for her not to tease me this year' he thought, glancing at Takagi with an annoyed look 'I'd wish to be able to pass in Sekai Eda High, but it's still next year'.

The line moved fast, and soon Nishikata and Takagi were in front of the shrine, side by side. Nishikata looked at Takagi and saw her taking out a 100 yen coin and tossing it into the collector, before bowing twice, clapping twice, bowing once more and beginning her prayer. Her face was serious, and her hands were pressed tightly against one another 'She seems to be concentrating pretty hard' Nishikata thought, he then saw that her eyebrows were twitching a little '... I hope she gets what she wants' he blushed a little while thinking this.

Nishikata took out a 100 yen coin and offered it as well. After making his offering, he followed the same steps as Takagi and prayed. 'Please, let me do well with my studies this year' he opened one eye and looked again at Takagi, who had already finished her prayer and was standing nearby 'I don't want to leave next year' he thought, shutting his eyes once more.

After making both of their prayers, it was time to get their fortunes for the year. Nishikata, of course, didn't lose the opportunity to challenge her. "Takagi-San, let's have a competition, whoever gets the best fortune for this year wins" he said with a smirk. He would never miss an opportunity to challenge her to a game based entirely on luck, since it had always a real chance of him winning.

"Sure" Takagi said, and they went to get their fortunes.

They got their fortune papers and opened them, and Nishikata went first. As he unfolded the paper, he saw on the top, in big words, "Blessing". 'Alright, just like last year, she just can't get a great blessing', he thought.

"That's great Nishikata, a blessing for next year!" Takagi said, getting close to his face.

"Uh, Y-Yeah" he muttered, smiling nervously "Let's see yours now Takagi-San" he said, as his smile turned into a smirk.

"Sure", Takagi said. She unfolded the paper to reveal a "Blessing" written on the top "Oh, that's nice" she said, smiling.

Nishikata was wide eyed 'A draw?? Not a defeat, but actually a draw? On a luck based game!' he wore a triumphant smile 'A signal from the Gods? That's definitely it! I'll finally beat Takagi-San, my victory is near!' he turned to her "You better prepare yourself, Takagi-San" he said smirking "The tide is turning to my side, I'll definitely get back at you this year"

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