Chapter 98

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The boys were mopping the gym floor of all the sweat that we produced. Jamil looked tired as he tried to convince Kalim to stop. "Kalim, you don't have to do it with them..." he would sigh.

"Just let him be, Jamil." I grumbled as I let my braids fall once more. "If he wants to do manual labor, let him do some labor."

"But if his father found out- "

"And why would he find out?" I cut him off with a look. "Why the crap would he need to know?" Jamil just stared astonished at me. I took that as a victory as I looked away. "That's what I thought."

Just then, a new set of footsteps echoed in the gym. "Ah, thank goodness." We all looked to see Azul standing there with his signature business grin. "I'm so glad I found you here, Jamil."

"Why are you here, Azul?" Yuu asked with a skeptical brow. "And why are you looking for Jamil?"

"Oh, I think we know why, Prefect," I teased. Jamil shot me a glare that I reciprocated with a defiant smirk.

Jamil changed his target as he stepped forward towards Azul. "Azul, what do you want?"

"You don't need to look so disgusted just from seeing a fellow classmate," Azul smiled wider. "Jamil, you are on class duty today, right? Today's history lesson will be a self-study period. Mr. Trein would like you to pick up worksheets from the staff room."

"Oh, I guess it was just class duty report," I sighed.

"So disappointing," Yuu sighed with me.

"Understood," Jamil said while he tried to ignore us. "I'll head over there."

"Oh yeah," Grim whispered as he climbed onto Yuu's shoulder, "didn't Azul expose Jamil's evil doings all over the world on his live-stream?"

"Yeah, I'm surprised at how normal they're acting," Yuu whispered back to him. "I would think they awkwardness would be suffocating. I hope he's okay."

"How reluctant." Azul turned to face us.

Well, guess he heard their conversation. Granted, we are in an echoing gymnasium.

"It was just a little scheme so that he couldn't escape and run away from his actions." Azul got closer to Grim who clung onto Yuu's shoulder. He spoke in a soft, hypnotizing voice.

"Fyna!" Grim flinched back, causing Yuu to pull away from Azul from the weight shift.

"Do you really think someone as kindhearted as me would stoop so low as to try and destroy the reputation of a fellow classmate?"

"Yes." Yuu and I answered in unison. The memories of our whole ordeal with his "kindness" flooding back to the forefront of our minds.

"Yeah, I think you would," Jamil agreed with us.

"Someone who was actually a nice guy wouldn't need to say all that," Grim pointed out.

"Fufufu," Azul chuckled off the jabs. "Actually, I was just on the phone with Jade and Viv that day. Unlike Leona, I don't find pleasure in destroying my enemies any more than necessary."

Yuu turned to me puzzled. "You have Azul's number?"

I shook my head. "They found the magicam account Deuce helped me make and made a group chat. I deleted it right after that whole fiasco."

Azul nodded. "I would never reveal secrets I worked so hard on getting that easily."

"Ha..." Jamil hung his head like he was having a migraine. "No matter which way you say it... you're right. I don't want to admit it, but thanks to Azul's mercy, both my family and the Asim family never found out the true reason I went into overblot. Nobody knows."

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