40. therapy session with (Y/n)

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"Where are they taking my boyfriend?"

"Don't worry, he's just in for a little threat session." Dolores answers as Camilo, Carlos, Mirabel and a very confused Luisa drag Luca away from you.

"Alright, see you guys!" You wave them off, completely ignoring your boyfriend's terrified gaze, silent cry for help.

It was difficult convincing Carlos you and Luca were not making babies in your room. But you kind of had to admit he was your boyfriend. Not that you didn't want to, though.

After the three youngest teenagers had kidnapped you from the Suarez house -it was a hassle having Luca climb down the window, he was really scared-, they had led you to the deserted marketplace, where Dolores, Luisa and Isabela were waiting, sitting by the fountain.

Apparently they had planned this as soon as they started going home. Poor Antonio was kept out and sulked all the way to his and Pepa's house.

By the way, Félix and Julieta were still nowhere to be found.

So, as soon as you reached the three oldest girls, Mirabel sold you and Luca out, and her and the twins grabbed Luisa and took your boyfriend away.

"Ah, I wish I could have followed." Isabela shakes her head, watching the others disappear into the darkness. "It could have been so funny."

"Alright, you psycho, won't don't you just join them? I'll stay here with my dear Dolores." You hug your cousin's arm, and she leans her head on yours with a low chuckle.

She was warm, because she had had the time to dress up for the meeting, while you were still in your pajamas, even though you had grabbed a jacket before sneaking out.

"No, idiot, I want to talk to you instead." Isabela sighs and sits on the other side of you, and you feel the mood change.

"Uh oh. I think I'll go threaten my own boyfriend with the oth-"

"Sit back down." Dolores tugs your arm as you go to stand up, and Isabela grabs the other and links hers with it to immobilize you.

"What do you want? I haven't got no drugs on me at the moment, but I can find an arran-"

"(Y/n)." Isabela warns you.

"There's no way out of this." Dolores adds, and you lean back with a sigh.


There's a silence, during which they both look blankly in front of them, and you look at them, and the fountain's water makes a water sound, and you hope it won't make you want to piss.

"So..." You speak up, only to get absolutely crushed between two side hugs. "Urgh."

"We're so sorry!" Dolores soughs, soon echoed by Isabela's apology.

You hug back. Warmth. Good. Your sister and cousin saying they're sorry. Bad. Why?

"I appreciate that you feel sorry, even though I don't really know what you d-"

"We knew, (Y/n). We knew and we did nothing." Isabela hugs you tighter. You hear a few bones crack. "No, instead of doing nothing, I just called you a coward when I couldn't speak up either."

"We should have done something. Told the adults-"

"Eww, please. Not the adults, Dolores." You pull back so you can breathe again. "And maybe you should have told them, but past me would have probably been very angry. And betrayed, kinda. I could have told them too, but I didn't, and I ended up smashing Angela's face with a tray. Personally, out of all the endings, this was the most satisfying."

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