Chapter 96

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"Pigeons?" I turned around along with the others.

"Ah! Vil!" Epel quickly straightened up.

There stood a tall man with the crispest uniform I've seen thus far. He had a dark, cool grey dress shirt paired with an apple red belt. His indigo vest had just the right number of wrinkles where it contoured his frame. His blazer was pristine, and it was like he was radiating brightness. His skin was porcelain and framed by platinum blonde hair with lavender tips in a braided half up-do. His eyes were sharp with purple irises that were accentuated by flawless eyeshadow. There was no doubt about it.

This guy was attractive.

"Pomefiore's dorm leader, Vil Schoenheit..." Deuce announced with an amazed voice.

"Wow! When you get a closer look at him, he seems so proper and powerful." Ace gushed in a hushed whisper.

"This guy's legs are longer than yours, Yuu!" Grim pointed out as he yanked on Yuu's pant leg.

"He is very beautiful." Yuu bluntly pointed out. They were not hiding their gawking at all. I had to admit, I was getting mesmerized as well.

"You there! Sacks of potatoes."

Aaaand mesmerizing is over...

"Fnya? Is he talking about us?" Grim looked confused.

"Who else would I be talking about." Vil held out a hand as he placed the other on his hip. I now knew what he was radiating. It was sass. "Our Epel is in the middle of much more important matters. There's less than two months before the VDC. We don't have time to spend with potatoes that haven't even been cleaned."

Oh, I'm gonna slap him. Yuu must have picked up on my immediate hostility as they placed a hand on my shoulder and started to pull me back behind them.

Vil waggled his finger in front of his face in a disciplined manner. "Don't even try to disturb him in the middle of his lesson."

"Excuse you." I said with as much sass as he was giving us.

"Viv, don't," was all Yuu said to me.

"Huh? What's your problem?" Ace started to square up at the blatant disrespect we were getting.

Deuce took a different approach as he tried to clear the air. "We weren't trying to disturb him."

"Vil! Stop talking to them like that! This is my-," Epel tried to stick up for us, but was cut off by Vil almost immediately.

"Epel. How many times have I told you not to speak so improperly?"

"He sounds perfectly fine to me," I pointed out. Vil just glanced at me from the side as he continued on.

"We have nothing to discuss if you can't maintain your composure and you start acting out on emotions. You will never become the 'Poisoned Red Apple' at this rate." Vil turned on his heel gracefully and beckoned Epel to follow. "Let's go, Epel."

Epel hesitated before bursting out, "But I really don't want to do this!"

Vil didn't even turn all the way around to address Epel. He simply glanced over his shoulder. "Have you forgotten the promise you made to me? Now come, let's go."

Epel stiffened at the mention of a promise. He seemed ready to follow, reluctantly, until Ace and I stepped in front of him. Ace looked ticked off as he declared, "Hey! I don't care if you're the dorm leader. He said he doesn't want to!"

Grim looked just as ticked as he perched on Ace's shoulder. "And I didn't forget that potato comment you made earlier."

"It looked to me like you're the one who needs to learn some manners." I grumbled.

Deuce and Yuu looked on in horror. Deuce put a hand on Ace's shoulder. "Hey! You guys! Headmaster told us to stop picking fights, remember?!"

"Do I look like I give a donkey's behind about the headmaster?" I snapped back at him.

"Stop quarreling you guys!" Yuu stepped in.

Epel grabbed my shoulders and tried to move me aside. I looked at him and he had a nervous gaze as he tried to persuade us. "You guys, wait! I'm fine!"

I place a hand on top of his and gave him a gentle smile. "I'm sure you are, but you see for some reason we have this nasty habit of putting our nose where it doesn't belong."

Vil now turned to look down his nose at all of us with a condescending smirk. He crossed his arms. "Quite bold of you sacks of potatoes to talk to me like that." He flipped his hair with a flick of his wrist. He tightened his gloves as he continued, "This will be the perfect exercise after my meal. So, come forth. I'll turn you into mashed potatoes."

"Let's throw down then," I grinned. I went to grab my magic pen from my hair. When I barely had my fingers around it, I felt my feet leave the ground. "Huh?" I looked and I was levitating higher and higher. "Oh, poop CanOE!!" I yelled as I was hurled into one of the trees in the courtyard. My limbs were tangled in the branches and my braids even more so.

Why do I always end up in foliage when I'm in this dang courtyard?

From my skewed viewpoint, the others weren't doing so well either. Grim got punted. If it wasn't for Yuu, he would have fallen into the well. Ace was side swept with magic and did three somersaults before eating the pavement. Deuce just tried for the good old fashioned right hook, but instead got a jab in his ribs that left him crumpled on the floor. Yuu looked devastated for us as they looked at the carnage. I barely heard them mutter, "Instant kill!"

Vil had not a single strand of hair out of place on his head. He looked disappointed as he glanced at all of us. "All your movements are sloppy and ill executed. There was absolutely no beauty at all. 5 out of 100."

"I just raised my hand for goodness' sake!" I yelled out to them from my wooden web.

"Pick a better fight next time," was his remark as he pointedly looked over to the tree I was in.

"Ah...everyone..." Epel looked devastated at the scene. "This was all my fault..."

"No, no Epel. It isn't your fault," Yuu tried to reassure him.

"Yeah! That guy's just being a jerk!" I tacked on.

Vil got a condescending smirk as placed a hand over his heart. "Oh, I'm the bad guy now? However, it is all your fault, Epel." He furrowed his brow as he began reprimanding the boy. "This is what you get for skipping lessons during the holiday. There is still much to do if you want to become a finalist in the VDC. You aren't going to go anywhere taking the easy way out. Let's go."

"Talk about suffocating dance mom..."Yuu rolled their eyes.

Epel merely hung his head in defeat. "...Yes." He looked at Yuu like a sad, beaten puppy. "See you all later..." With that, Epel left with his dorm leader from the courtyard. That left us still reeling from the one-sided beat down.

Grim groggily moaned, "Fnya...that guy, he really took him after all."

Ace sat up and dusted himself off. He looked in the direction they left in and spat on the ground. "I am fuming. Is there some rule at this school that if you're a bad person, you can be dorm leader?"

"Yuu isn't a bad person and they're a dorm leader!" I pointed out.

"You guys...You need to stop picking fights with other dorm leaders," Deuce sighed as he was crouched on the ground.

"Pha! He might've been beautiful, but he sure was an a-hole," Yuu grumbled.

"If Prefect Roseheart hears about this, he's gonna have our heads." Deuce sighed.

"Let him find out! I don't care!" I declared. In a more subdued tone I went on, "Can you guys get me down now? Please?"

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