Chapter 1: Slow Down

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Hi all, I've been working on this story idea for over a year now. It's not quite done, but I want to start posting every week or so in anticipation of the movie coming out of theaters this month.

This story begins after the Season 2 finale but borrows (and radically changes) some elements from Season 3 throughout. It's a bit more drama-heavy than the anime/manga, but is intended to be suitable for all ages. Like many of my stories, I try to focus on character flaws and development, which is a bit difficult and requires some imagination with the way the show often perfectly depicts Takagi. Hopefully, you will still find it enjoyable.

If you like it or have any constructive feedback, I'd really love to hear about it in a short review. Enjoy!

Nishikata ran. First over a grassy hill. Then around a cluster of thorny bushes. A sudden pivot veering around some older kids. And finally, a swift jump over a bed of craggy rocks. The air whipped through his jet-black hair and ruffled his shirt, but he didn't care. He needed speed.

A sudden, strong tugging came from Nishikata's hands. Slowing, he craned his neck up to look into the sky, then let out an excited whoop. Two colorful kites were picking up speed, finally being propelled ever higher by the strong upper winds. He stopped completely and tightened his grip on the kite strings in each hand, then jogged back to his friends at the other end of the valley.

"Thanks, Nishikata!" Kimura said as he carefully took his kite handle back from Nishikata. "There's no way I could have gotten mine high enough over the treeline to the wind."

"Yeah, and two at once this time too!" Takao added, his own kite already high in the air from Nishikata's first run.

"It's no problem at all," Nishikata replied smugly, taking his second kite handle in his other hand and experimenting to see if he could make his kite flip. It made a large figure-8 in the air, making him grin. As Takao and Kimura yelled with excitement and tried to replicate the trick, the grin only widened.

This was the perfect summer day. Nishikata loved the outdoors, loved being active, and loved getting to look cool around his friends. And better yet, he hadn't been teased even once all morning! He closed his eyes and let out a content sigh.

...I wonder what Takagi-san's doing today, Nishikata thought absentmindedly, as his friends chatted away. He hadn't seen her for the past few days, not since saying goodbye at her doorstep after the Summer festival.

Nishikata turned the string around in his hands, his arms doing wide loops pulling each line from the kite to practice figure-8s in the sky. Each line was attached to different parts of the kite, making more complex maneuvering possible. With every stroke, the pattern became more consistent.

Suddenly, he knew exactly how he could finally beat her.

The next time I see her, I'll challenge Takagi-san to a kite-flying competition! Whoever can pull off the coolest trick in the air wins! I've clearly mastered kite-flying now, so this plan is foolproo–

Nishikata's scheming was interrupted by a loud shriek coming from aways behind them. The three boys flipped around to see a forlorn Mano reaching out pitifully towards her boyfriend, Nakai, who was sprinting away and holding their kite behind him.

"Geez, he's not ditching her, he's just doing what Nishikata did to get the kite high enough in the air!" Takao commented, picking at something in his long front teeth. "Do all girls react so loudly like that?"

"I don't know any other girls like that," Kimura replied, pulling his kite away to prevent it from tangling with the others. "I mean, Mano is in a relationship with Nakai... Is that why?"

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